Student Leadership Update

An update from Hamish, Damo, Lily and Aya. 

Welcome to our School Captain's Report! 

Happy weekend parents and guardians. 


Here is some news from this past fortnight from us, the School Captains! 

In three week’s time we will be having the SCHOOL CONCERT!!! We can’t wait to see how all of the classes have created their dance for this years theme! The preps will be having their first concert and we can’t wait to see how good they are. We hope everyone has a great time and keeps working hard in practice! We hope too that all of our parents and families can make it. 


This week, the school has been doing a sustainability incursion from Earth Crusaders. Some activities were making our own city, planting, watching videos and more! We love being sustainable and will keep working on this as a school. 


This Friday, today, we hosted a special breakfast for father’s day / the champion in your life. It was great to see special father figures come along for some breaky with their children! 


Have a great weekend! 😊



Thank you.

2024 House Captains

Student Leadership @ NPS