Learning Community 1
Prep - Mrs Guy, 1 - Mr Wigg, 1/2 - Miss Stoll
Learning Community 1
Prep - Mrs Guy, 1 - Mr Wigg, 1/2 - Miss Stoll
Mrs Guy
Wow! We have some amazing swimmers from the Prep room. I think they have been watching the Olympics! Some students were learning to dive, tread water, do butterfly, freestyle and backstroke! Amazing resilience was shown by everyone. This is such a great opportunity for your child to not only learn how to swim but how to be safe around water also.
Over the past two weeks we have loved watching some of the Olympics, learning about Paris and counting the gold, silver and bronze medals Australia has won. We even learnt some French words such as bonjour, aurevoir, merci and sil te plait. Students enjoyed learning about the five coloured rings matching the five continents of Europe, Africa, Americas, Asia and Oceania which Australia is part of. We also wrote an acrostic poem about the Olympics. We designed our own medals and watched some of the closing ceremony.
In Literacy over the past two weeks, we have been learning about the comprehension strategies inferring and synthesising. It is important that we learn to read first, then we begin to read to learn and understand. We have learnt about the long o and u sound as in bone and cube. We have continued our work on reading, spelling, writing the most common words which are sent home to practise also. We have worked on retelling fiction stories with the beginning, middle and end, discussing the problem and solution. In Maths we have continued our work on place value to 100, addition, subtraction, groups of counting by 2s, 5s and 10s. We have also learnt about sharing items equally between friends.
Student Achievers
Well done to Zesty Zoe who was chosen by her peers to be last week's Star Of The Week. Zoe always shows respect towards students and adults, she is responsible and does the right thing and she is resilient, never giving up.
Well done to Magnificent Madison who was voted in by her class mates for showing our school values of respect, responsibility and resilience. You are a great role model Madison.
Well done Zoe and Madison; we are all very proud of you.
Mr Wigg
Swimming is in full swing and our students have loved learning life skills. In reading we have been learning the long /i/ sound. We also have been focusing on developing questions, making predictions and retelling what we have read in fictional texts before focusing on our next reading genre. When writing, we have been editing our writing and continuing our narrative focus. It was fantastic to see students add detail to their narratives while also practising their handwriting and spelling.
In Maths we have covered multiplication and making equal groups. While in division we have begun to focus on sharing. We have also explored fractions and making halves and quarters. Students have enjoyed making Fraction pizzas as part of linking to the world around them to show halves of different pizza toppings.
Student Achievers
Well done Jett on being our student achiever. You have tried so hard to focus on showing respect concentrating on your learning. Well done Legend!
Miss Stoll
Swimming season is in full swing! We have done our best to ensure routines have maintained as predictable as possible however we have also been focusing on being extra resilient, especially with lessons moving around, waiting for buses, etc.
I spent last week at school with the non-swimmers from prep, grade 1 and our class. We read stories, created artwork, explored our place in the world and spent lots of time having fun and getting to know those in the group that we weren't familiar with. I am so proud of the non-swimmers for being so inclusive and offering to play with students whose peers were at the pool. I have spent this week at the leisure centre with the swimming students. It has been so fun to watch everyone develop existing and learn new swimming skills. The increase in student's confidence in the water has flourished.
We have continued attending our specialist classes and when in our classroom, we have been learning about the Olympics. From learning about the Ancient Olympics, to the 5 coloured rings representing each continent, to learning facts about France and even specific details about sports. We have also watched some of the Olympics during these times, and celebrated our athletes wonderful achievements. Once the Olympics are finished, we will begin learning about the Paralympics.
Student Achievers
Congratulations to clever Clark for being our student achiever last week.
Congratulations to outstanding Oli for being our student achiever this week.