Student Achievements

Congratulations to the students below for their efforts and achievements that earned their teachers' recognition over the last three weeks!


 Week 2Week 3
Prep ANeelaksh PathakHebron Abebaw
Prep BAtharva DhakalSolomon Kelly
1/2 ADhyana Patel  
1/2 BLivana Pereira 
1/2 CFawwaz Asfa ShidqiFrans Chernikov
3/4 AAlesha IkhsanSaarah Zaman
3/4 BGabriel Kelly Bre Kumu-Toka
3/4 CDanish AriadharmaRaitah Jahan
5/6 AMecca ErnizaGio Rahman
5/6 BMegan Coto Ella Bland 
Visual ArtsNethuli De Lanerolle 1/2CCooper Song 3/4A
Performing ArtsSayaka Yamakami 3/4AAlithia Fauzin Prep A
JapaneseNarra Giandrayana 1/2CNubaid Ekram 5/6B
Physical EducationRaitah Jahan 3/4C 

Perfect Attendance Award

Year 3/4 A picked up the 'Perfect' Attendance Award in Week 5! 


Will your class take out the HEROs award next term??!