Principal's Message

Dear Parents/Carers, 


This term in secondary, we have explored the themes of grit in learning; breaking barriers and academic excellence. We are building on the concepts described in the Learning Pit, that we need to struggle at times with our learning but, with effort and perseverance we can achieve success. Our awards at assembly recognise those students who have accepted the challenge and are working hard to improve academic performance. Teachers are making positive comments about students' attitude to classes and the degree to which they are seeing improved effort. 

As a school we are looking at how we can sustain an improved culture toward school. 

We are looking at changes to the secondary timetable in 2025, to provide greater time in the core areas of English, Mathematics and Science. We understand the need to prepare our students for senior secondary education and that parents feel confident in our ability to do this. Our aim is to provide ongoing professional development around HSC subjects so that our staff understand the requirements of academic disciplines for the various subjects.


Students who attended the Primary & Secondary Diocesan Athletics Carnivals in Tamworth last week should be congratulated on their achievements and participation. 

We had some excellent results and many students will go on to represent Armidale at the Polding and CCC Carnivals. Our school does well to provide cultural, sporting and academic experiences for our students despite our geographic location. We also thank parents who have supported us in making these experiences available.


I would like to congratulate the Year 6 students who received the sacrament of Confirmation last Sunday. It was a wonderful occasion led by Father Vic and it was great to see so many staff present, who want to support these children on their spiritual journey. It is a busy time in the church's calendar. Last week we celebrated the feast day of Mary McKillop and this week we celebrate the Assumption of Mary. Assumption Day commemorates the belief that when Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, died, her body was "assumed" into heaven.


The school is currently conducting enrolment interviews for Kindergarten and Year 7 - 2025. There are limited vacancies in both years, so if you or someone you know wants to enrol at St Philomena’s in 2025, please complete an enrolment form and return it to school as soon as possible. 


The building project has slowed in the last few weeks. At this point we are looking to complete the administration building and staff spaces by the end of January 2025. However, the western classrooms on the third floor are more likely to be completed at the end of Term 1, 2025. 


Finally I would like to wish all those attending the Year 6 excursion to Canberra next week all the best ,and especially thank the staff and parents attending. The support of staff and parents is vital otherwise we would not be able to proceed with these types of excursions.


Kind Regards

Simon Fleming
