International Student Update

Term 3 Parent Teacher Interviews
We are so pleased that all our international students attended the interview with their parents/guardians. Thank you to Ms Podesser, our International Student Year Level Coordinator, who arranged students' study progress feedback from their teachers in advance. Due to the language barrier, Ms Ji and Ms Mao individually translated the feedback from teachers. We also use the LanguageLoop service. We were so pleased to see that some of our homestay hosts attended the meeting too. It was a huge effort, so many thanks to our ISP team in particular, and to all those teachers who teach our international students in the mainstream, for making the event run smoothly and successfully.
Term 3 Short-term Study students
This term, we have enrolled a total of 5 Short-term Study students in our Y7 , Y8 and Y9 mainstreams. They all had a great time and they have already made some good friends. Most of them are thinking of naming our college as their first preference in their future study in Australia. We wish them all the best and we look forward to seeing them again.