Denise's Message

Dear Families,
What a Week of Melbourne Weather!
The old saying of 'Experience 4 seasons of weather in one day - come to Melbourne', proved very true on Monday. We saw sunshine, cloudy skies, wind, rain, and hail that made our playground look covered in snow! Melbourne is never a boring place to be! Please stay safe during this unpredictable weather period and ensure your child brings their jacket to school for those times when the weather changes.
First Holy Communion
Many of our Year 3/4 children will receive their First Holy Communion on Sunday 8th September at our St Michael's 10 am Sunday mass. This is the most time in their Catholic faith journey and they have all been preparing for this moment during their religious education learning time. I thank Hang, our Religious Education Leader, their teachers, Susan, Georgia, and Tameka, and their peers for supporting them during this preparation time. All families are welcome to join this celebration on Sunday.
Year 3/4 Camp
Next week the excitement continues for our Year 3/4 children when they head off on their Year 3/4 Camp to Sunnystones Camp situated in Merrimu. For some of our children, this will be the first time or second time they have been away from their family overnight, so I'm sure there are some feelings of anticipation and maybe a little worry on the part of parents and children. Please be assured that the staff are well trained in all camp and safety procedures to ensure each child has a safe but very enjoyable time away.
Whilst on Camp the children will learn about the nature and environment that they are living in but they also learn many things about themselves and each other. It is a great time to develop independence, resilience, and safe risk-taking skills. It is also an opportunity to make new friendships and strengthen the ones they already have.
We wish them a very happy camping time!
School Uniform
We have noticed that some children have been arriving at school wearing incorrect uniforms. At St. Michael's, our uniform is a symbol of our school pride and identity. Wearing the correct uniform each day is not just about looking smart; it reflects our commitment to being part of the St. Michael’s community.
We kindly ask for your support in ensuring that all students come to school in the correct uniform every day. This helps foster a sense of belonging and pride among our students, reinforcing the values that make our school community so special.
Absence from School
We have many children absent from school due to a variety of coughs, colds and viruses. I ask families to support us in keeping our community as healthy as possible by keeping children who are unwell at home. This will greatly assist in decreasing the spread of illnesses.
If your child is absent from school it is a requirement that you inform the school of their absence. Please do this by submitting an Operoo Form via the 'St Michael's School Student Absentee Form' or by calling the school office and leaving a message on the school absence message bank. Please do not send a direct message via ClassDojo to your child's teachers.
RUOK Day is on September 12th.
Please read our Wellbeing page for more information.
School Fees and Levies
A reminder that all fees and levies are to finalised by September 20th unless you have organised a direct debit system. I thank all our families who have already completed their fees and levies payment, your financial support of our school is much appreciated and enables us to continue providing your child with the best educational opportunities.
Denise Hussey
'The most simple thing I can do is to be good today but better tomorrow'
Catherine McAuley - Mercy Sisters Foundress
All students attending St Michael's Primary School have the right to feel safe. The care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people is a fundamental responsibility of all within our school./