From Leadership

Hi, this is my first report to the community and it is my privilege to share some of the exciting things that we’re building here at TPS.
KESO and Cultural Learning for First Nations Students
Firstly, Tyrell Moore, our school’s Koorie Support Education Officer, has been visiting TPS every three weeks for about a term now. Together with Aunty Terri and Kim, he’s been running Yarning Circles with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in years 4-6, as well as a Traditional Games session for students in years Prep - 3. In addition, he’s also been meeting with Aunty Terri, Kim and myself to work on a Cultural Action Tool to review ways that we as a school can better support and engage First Nations students and families. It has been great to work so closely with Tyrell and we are excited to create more cultural learning opportunities for First Nations students.
Maths Leadership
Secondly, Jo Missen and Stephanie Millar have been working tirelessly since 2023 as our Maths Leaders. They attended an intensive course last year titled, “Leading Mathematics” and worked closely with a Departmental expert to create an evidence-based and highly engaging Maths Instructional Model for our school. On top of that, they have run numerous professional development sessions and have provided one-on-one support to build capacity of staff. We are lucky to work with such dedicated, organised and passionate educators.
SOLAR LAB Research Project
A third shout out goes to Jess Rule, who has been leading our SOLAR LAB research partnership with La Trobe University. She, the 1/2 team, Matt Shouteten (our Literacy Leader) and I all completed professional development around current research in reading instruction through La Trobe. We have also been working closely with the wonderful Kiaya Edwards, our assigned coach, to refine and improve our current practices in literacy in the junior years. Jess is running a parent volunteer session for Year 1/2 parents and carers next Thursday morning from 8:00 to 8:30 if you are interested in coming along.
Finally, here are some others that I would be remiss not to mention:
- Matt Shouteten for all the work he has done as Literacy Leader to improve our take home reading resources and create all the fun and magic for the many book week celebrations we have on this week. I’ve witnessed so many students working enthusiastically on their doors; check out the Book Week page in this newsletter for more information.
- Kim Read for her work to prepare students for their State School Spectacular performance. Special shout out to Maggie, Tayah and Zannie who are 3 of 13 students to be selected to perform in the First Nations dance at the beginning of the ceremony.
- Erica Pringle for preparing and accompanying a group of students to the Boite World Community Music performance.
- Leigh Collins for coordinating and organising two Gala Days and District Athletics.
- Juliette Keam for her passion to build a Play-Based Learning program in our Prep area. We are about to place an order for a number of exciting new materials to support this program and are pleased that so many children are enjoying learning through play.
- The 3/4 and 5/6 teams for the hours of preparation and time away while on camp. These are such special events for students in the upper years and we are proud to offer these opportunities to our students.
- The 5/6 team for hours they have poured into creating an Electives Program. This is a student voice session where Year 5/6 students engage in learning of their choosing. Sessions this term have been cooking, dance, games and sport of the world, STEM extension program and billy cart construction with David.
And look, there is so much more I could write, but this gives you a snapshot of some of the projects our staff are diligently working away on, along with their regular teaching and learning responsibilities.
Many thanks,
Assistant Principal - Teaching and Learning