MECS Notes

Father's Day Market
Our annual Father's Day Market is on again tomorrow! Students will be able to purchase small goodies for their dad ranging from $1 - $15.
We are excited to support our Year 11 Business Management students for a second year, as they run small businesses for the day. These students met with Primary students in focus groups to find out what young people want to buy for their fathers, so they should be coming home with some awesome presents!
Primary students will have a dedicated time slot that they will go to visit the market with their class. Secondary students may visit the market during their recess & lunch breaks.
Working Bees
Dear Parents/Guardians,
There have been 3 working bees so far this year and we still have 3 more to go. Thank you to all those who have attended or have registered for one of the next 3 working bees.
If you have not registered yet for a Working Bee, you still have time. The dates are:
September 7
October 19
November 23
It is a condition of your Partnership Agreement with MECS that each family attends one Working Bee per year with at least 5 hours attendance. If you are unable to attend a Working Bee throughout the year, there will be an amount of $150 charged to your family account.
Working Bees are a fun and essential part of MECS! They help us maintain our buildings and grounds, aswell as providing a great way to build community, make new friends and do a bit of catching up. They also provide the opportunity to see and be a part of the changes happening at MECS.
Please email Evelyn Dubbeld on to let her know which date would suit you to attend.
MECS Administration