Special Events

This year’s NAIDOC Week, the theme was ‘Keep the Fire Burning, Blak, Loud and Proud’. What a fantastic opportunity to celebrate Indigenous culture and history. Apart from what was done in classes throughout the week, there were three key events: an assembly and two performances and cultural sessions by Yorta Yorta singer and musician, Scott Darlow.
For our assembly, highlighting the theme of ‘Keep the Fire Burning, Blak, Loud and Proud’, we were privileged to hear from former MECS student, Asha Steer, a Barkandji woman, speak about her heritage and keeping the fire burning in her own life and work. Asha graduated from MECS in 2015, and is currently completing her PhD. We also heard from a number of students and staff who shared either how they could keep the fire burning, or a significant or inspirational Indigenous person. This was part of an activity done by the students who wrote on flames which were displayed on two murals of camp fires next to the stage.
Later in the week, there were two performances for the Secondary students by Yorta Yorta singer, songwriter and musician Scott Darlow. Scott shared his music and his story, along with his usual wit and humour.
Now that NAIDOC Week is over, may we continue to listen and learn more about Indigenous culture and continue our journey towards reconciliation all through the year.
Natalie Thomas
Secondary Teacher