Senior and Middle School News

Year 3/4 Design Technology

Our Year 3/4 students have been exploring the concept of animation in our Design Technology unit over the past weeks. The students have used the online design tool     Flip-Anim to create moving gif images, moving objects frame by frame to create the illusion of movement. Our students hope to advance this concept over the coming weeks through the creation of stop motion videos using still photography.

By Brody
By Brody
By Marley
By Marley
By Charlotte
By Charlotte
By Kaden
By Kaden
By E
By E


5/6 Classroom

Wendy Orr Visit

Last week the 5/6 students were lucky enough to have Author Wendy Orr come in on Tuesday to talk to them about the book writing process. The session was very informative and the student feedback was enthusiastic. She talked about several of her publications and her novel Nim's Island which was made into a movie.  She was very generous with her time signing books and the students work. She told some very interesting stories and has inspired our students to make their writing more riveting.


We would like to thank Mrs Towill for organising this experience and Wendy for her time.



During our inquiry topic Think Global Act Local the 5/6 students have been learning about extreme weather and disasters, which is very timely. We have been immersing ourselves in this topic by incorporating it into our writing program as well. Over the past few weeks the students have been researching Bushfires and creating procedural texts about preparing for them, and explanation texts which outline the reasons why they occur. Throughout this topic we have also looked at other forms of weather, creating rain gauges, anemometers, and wind vanes. The students are currently working in pairs to create presentations about other extreme weather conditions that occur in Australia.


How to prepare for a Bushfire

Aim: To prepare your house for a Bushfire emergency.


- Saw                                                              - Ladder                                

- First Aid Kit bag                                        - Mobile Phone                               

- Battery Powered Radio                          - Battery Powered Torch 

- Spare batteries                                         - Wound dressings

- Burn Cream                                               - Food

- Water                                                          - Overnight Clothes

- Toiletries                                                    - Medications

- Phone                                                         - Chargers


1. Cut back branches that are growing near buildings and rake up leaves bark and twigs.

2. Clear gutters decks and roof valleys, using your ladder carefully.

3. Move garden waste and rubbish away from your home/ buildings and fence line.

4. Pack a First Aid kit with

-  Mobile phone and charger.

- Battery powered radio torch and spare batteries.

- Wound dressings 

- Burn Creams

5. Pack an overnight bag with a change of clothes toiletries, sanitary items, phone chargers and supplies.

6. Pack any medications

7. Pack an adequate amount of water and food for both people and animals.

8. Pack some 100% woolen blankets.

9. Listen to the radio and check your phone regularly and leave when suggested, making sure all members of the household are safe including pets.

10. Follow authority’s instructions when evacuating the premises.


By Jedd