Prep News

We have had another busy 3 weeks of learning and fun at school.  We finished Book Week with a pyjama day and sharing books with the Grade 3/4 class.  The Bittern Pre-School students also visited for a book sharing session with our senior students. It was a great ending to a wonderful time during Book Week 2024.

Book Buddies and Pyjama Day

Pie and Play Day

Last Friday afternoon we had many dads, grandpas, uncles, big brothers and other special family members attend our whole school 'Play and Pie' day.  Students had lots of fun with their family members playing basketball, footy and tennis. They also had fun throwing the vortex and playing in the playgrounds. They had some hot pies and enjoyed spending time together. Here are some photos of the prep students and their family members:

Swimming Lessons

Many of the Prep students participated in our school swimming lessons at Pelican Park. They had fun going on the bus every day and enjoying their time in the pool improving their water skills and ability to swim. It was a very tiring week but they did a great job of getting into their bathers, getting dried and dressing themselves! Well done swimmers!



Our reading lessons have focused on fluency. We have been reading to a partner and trying to decode smoothly and fluently so we understand what we are reading about. We have continued to learn the correct formation for the uppercase letters and been talking about punctuation. We have learnt question words such as 'What, Where, When, Why' and when to use a question mark or exclamation mark. We have been drawing a picture and then writing our own sentences about what we have drawn. Our Sounds Write lessons have focused on the digraphs 'qu', 'th', 'ng' and ‘wh'.


Our Maths topics over the past 3 weeks have included 2D shapes, addition and subtraction equations. We have learnt to use doubles and counting on and back to help solve equations quickly. We made our own shape pictures and used the shape blocks. We learnt about symmetry.

Eleanor’s bee hive
Reegan's symetirical fox
Sammy's monster
Eleanor’s bee hive
Reegan's symetirical fox
Sammy's monster


With our senior school buddies we made a paper ‘Rhyming Dust Bunny’ from the text ‘The Rhyming Dust Bunnies’. We have been learning about rhyming words in English this week. We will read lots of rhyming stories including Macca the Alpaca, Frog on a log and Noni the Pony to name a few.