Principal News  

With only a week and half of term 3 to go, I am amazed at how quickly this term has disappeared.  It has been a very busy term, with lots of events, celebrations and learning .This newsletter is jam packed with this information, so I encourage you to take the time to read each section carefully.  The class pages are a fabulous summary of the engaging and high level learning opportunities occurring each and every day at Bittern PS. 

Pupil Free Day and Last day of Term 3 

Please remember that next Monday (16th September) is a pupil free day and students are NOT required at school. Friday the 20th September (Footy Day) is our last day of term 3. We will not be having assembly on this day and our finishing time is 2.30pm. 

Fathers Day Pie and Play Day 

It was with great pleasure that we held our Father's day Pie and Play day on August 30th.  We had a fantastic turn out with many of our dads, Grandad's and special people turning up to spend a lovely afternoon kicking the footy, playing games and just enjoying each others company. A huge thank you to Anglicare and Nat for organising this event, as well as Georgia and our ES staff for all their work in ensuring that this event was such great fun for all involved.

Capital Works Update 

It is still anticipated that our building project will be completed over the Term 3 school holidays. During a recent site walk we visited our newly renovated library which is transforming into a bright, spacious and inviting shared learning space. The deck area is almost complete and the site huts will be removed next week to make room for our kitchen gardens, planting and shared meeting spaces. We are very excited to share these new additions to our school grounds early next term. 

August Art Attack

We are so very proud of the students who submitted art works in the recent art exhibition at the Crib Point Community centre last month. 

Congratulations to Rose, Kooper, Ashleigh, Hunter, Lillie, Grace, Violet, Gemma, Dakota and Cienna for their incredible art works. I was able to visit the exhibition and I was incredibly proud of our young artists. 


Thank you to Mrs Roberts for supporting the students to exhibit their art works at this prestigious event. 

Westernport Writers Festival 

On Friday 6th September the Westernport Writer's Festival held a showcase to celebrate local writers and stories.  We are very proud of 2 of our senior students Guy and Rose who entered their writing.  This writing was displayed and celebrated during the evening. 

I invite you to read the works of these budding authors on our 'special mention' page further down in this newsletter. 

Congratulations Guy and Rose! 

Child Safe Standards 

Child Safe Standard 7:  Empowering children

Promoting children’s participation can benefit their experience at school because it provides valuable information about their experience.

Most importantly, when children have opportunities to participate and feel their contributions are valued, they are more likely to speak up when harmed or feeling unsafe.

Our school has many strategies to empower children.  These include access to our school chaplain/social worker Georgia to provide students an opportunity to talk about how they are feeling and share any concerns or worries they may have. 

Our Student Engagement and Wellbeing Policy contains information on how we develop and maintain a safe, supportive and inclusive school environment. 

We welcome feedback from parents/carers regarding our school policies.  Please direct any feedback to our school's email at 

Mobile Phones and Student Use

Student use of mobile phone  is a Ministerial policy formally issued by the Minister for Education under section 5.2.1(2)(b) of the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 (Vic).

Our school's mobile phone and personal Wearable Devices policy is included in the attachment below. 

The main points of this policy include: 

  • Students who choose to bring mobile phones to school must have them switched off and securely stored during school hours.
  • Exceptions to this policy may be applied if certain conditions are met (see below for further information)
  • When emergencies occur, parents or carers should reach their child by calling the school’s office. 


Parents/Carers please note that mobile phones and personal wearable devices will NOT be permitted during our Grade 3- 6 Portsea camp in October. If students have mobile phones, they will be confiscated by Bittern PS staff and the Principal will be advised. If students are found to have mobile phones, they may be asked to leave the camp and return home. This will be at the discretion of the Principal and Camp Team Leader.