Grade 3 Community News

Wominjeka Grade 3 Families!
Weeks 6 and 7 have been very exciting, engaging and fun for our grade 3 students! The students have been doing a tremendous amount of learning and we have seen some amazing pieces of work come out of our grade!
This term, we've continued exploring the rich heritage of the traditional owners of the land, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Specifically, over the past couple of weeks, we have been using the book “Our Race to Reconciliation” to look at different themes such as friendship and unity. The children have been exploring how this story shows these themes and other themes. We have also just recently moved on to looking at the Human Body where we look at our different systems, organs and how our body works!
Human body:
The students have been working very hard at publishing their Historical Narratives! We have seen some amazing published pieces come from our students. We are now moving on to working on making an information report about the human body. The students will be looking at many different systems in our body, and they will have the choice to write about which system they write an information report about.
Our Grade 3 students have done so much work in multiplication and we have seen some great growth from their pre and post assessments! We are all so proud of them. Many of our students also mastered vertical multiplication. We are now moving onto looking at number patterns. We have been exploring how number patterns increase and decrease. We have also been exploring how patterns can be represented such as through a function machine.
During our eating time, we are reading the first Harry Potter book. This is also our topic for vocabulary. Each week we look at 6 words that can be found in our book. These have been our week 7 words that we have been looking at.
- Please remember to send your child to school with a charged iPad.
- Ask your child if they need any new stationery to bring to school (E.G whiteboard markers, grey lead pencils and pens.)
- Remember to keep up the nightly reading at home and bring the student journal to school on their designated day.
- Please do not forget to check Compass for updates on events that are coming up.
- The human body incursion is coming up, please remember pay $11 on compass 😄
It is crucial that all students are attending school every day so they can work on their learning goals and don’t miss important lessons. It is also important for our students to feel included and a part of the school and being present is one big way to help make this happen. Please book holidays during school holiday periods rather than during the school term to make sure valuable learning time is not missed.
The Grade 3 PLC Team