Grade 2 Community News

Dear PLC 2 families,
Book Week
We recently had Book Week and it was amazing to see all the creative costumes! We were lucky enough to have a magical book room created at school where we could go and listen to some of the award-winning books. Everyone enjoyed digging deeper into some of these books by completing fun activities about them. On Friday we also had a show in the gym by ‘Perform Education’ who acted out some of the books.
During our ‘Read to Learn’ lessons we have been looking at nature life cycles. In the past two weeks we have explored the water cycle as well as and the life cycle of the frog, tree, fish and kangaroo. We were learning to identify the name and order of the stages, explain what happens in each stage and the importance of the cycle for nature. This week we move on to digging deeper into the story ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’.
We have been applying our knowledge of the butterfly life cycle by writing an explanation piece about it. We looked at the structure of explanation texts, making sure our writing had an introduction, explanation of each stage and a conclusion. We also had to include time connections (First, then, after, finally) and topic specific vocabulary! Our next topic is an author study on Roald Dahl.
During math we have been expanding our knowledge of multiplication! We have explored using repeated addition, making equal groups and using arrays. It has been great seeing everyone using all the different ways to solve their multiplication problems. Next, we move on to division!
Vocab and Morphology
In morphology we have been learning about the prefix ‘re’. We have added it to the beginning of words to change the meaning to include again or back.
In vocabulary we looked at the following words:
Grade 2 open day is on Friday 6th September between 2:10-3:00pm.
Please meet in your child's classroom.
See you there!