Prep Community News

Hello Prep Families!
We are nearly at the end of Term 3, and we just cannot believe how fast this term has gone. Our prep teachers are so proud of all the hard work that our students have been putting in to their learning and we are seeing so much growth every single day.
Let’s also have a look at the learning that has been going on in prep:
In weeks 7 & 8, students have been learning how to make text-to-self connections and how to ask questions about the text. We have read the books Goldilocks and the Three Bears and Little Red Riding Hood. This has really helped our students think more deeply about the stories they are reading which will help them with their overall comprehension of the text. At home, you might like to ask your children to make a connection that they have had with the stories they are reading at home or encourage them to ask questions about what they are reading.
In writing, students have begun writing narratives. They have been focusing on listening to a story and then retelling the story using story champs. Our students have been able to write beautiful stories and have remembered to include the character, problem, feeling, action and solution in their stories.
Students have continued to learn the new sound rule ‘Magic e’ where the e jumps over the consonant to help the vowel say its long vowel sound, for example, make, Pete, late. We have also begun learning the new ‘h brothers’ sounds ‘wh’ and ‘ph’.
In weeks 7 and 8 we have begun learning about length. Students are learning to compare the lengths of objects in the room using words such as ‘long’, ‘short’, ‘longer’ and ‘shorter’. They have also learnt to order objects according to their length. At home, you could ask them to discuss which objects are longer and shorter around the house.
Reminders/Upcoming events:
- Flying Bookworms Incursion (Monday 16th September). Consent and Payment ($7) is required and due by Sunday the 8th of September through Compass.
- Swimming (Check Compass for dates): Consent and Payment ($65) due on Compass. In Term 4, Prep students will participate in a 5-day school Swimming Program, delivered by Bright Waves Swim School. When attending, students will be required to independently change their clothes. Between now and then, it would be a great idea to support your child to independently practice skills such as undressing, drying their body, dressing, and putting socks/shoes on so that they are ready to swim in the pool!
If you are unable or unsure of how to do this, please see the office staff for support.
Thank you so much for the ongoing support!
PLC Prep