Performing Arts News

Hi Tarneit Rise families
Prep students have now nearly completed their first term of Performing Arts. In their first term prep students are given a taste of the three strands of performing arts – Dance, Music and Drama. This fortnight students were introduced to drama. They learned that drama is all about pretending, and that we can use our face, body and voice to act out stories, characters and emotions. Our prep students had a great time using their acting voices!
Grade 1 and 2 students have spent this fortnight working with their teacher to create their whole class dance. This dance will be performed for another class as the students end of term dance assessment. Working with their peers and teachers to create a whole class dance is the grade 1 and 2s introduction to choreography, a dance making skill that will be developed in the students’ upper primary years.
Senior students are creating their own small group choreographies as their end of term assessment. Grade 3 and 4 students are guided by teachers in their choice of groups and music and are supported in creating their choreographies. Grade 5 and 6 students work more independently, as well as having the extra expectation of expressing a theme in their dance piece. All senior students have been impressing us with their creativity, ideas and collaboration skills. We can’t wait to see the final performances!
Grade 5 boys rehearsing their choreographed dance
As well as our lessons we are very excited about the various after school and lunch time performing arts endeavours that students are undertaking this term.
See you in the Performing Arts room
Mrs Patton, Mr Max, Miss V