Grade 6 Community News

We have been very busy so far this term cramming all our exciting learning in!
Thank you to all our students who made such an incredible effort with their costumes during world book week. Also, a massive thank you to the families who made those spectacular costumes possible.
It has been great to see students continuously coming to school prepared with their reading journals filled out. Reading at home really does make such a big difference. Thank you to all the parents who take the time to go over the books our students are reading.
In Reading, we have continued with our text, Boy Overboard. Students have been extremely engaged with the plight of Jamal and the obstacles he must overcome. We have been exploring themes of identity, discrimination and immigration through a variety of questioning.
In writing, we are looking at letter and email writing. Students have studied a variety of different letters and emails to identify some of their key features. We then extended this knowledge by asking students to create their own emails to send to members of staff. Stay tuned to hear their responses!
In Maths, we have been looking at location and transformation. Students have been investigating the effect of combinations of transformations on simple and composite shapes, including creating tessellations, with and without the use of digital technologies.
Our Vocabulary words have been selected from Boy Overboard. Please test your child on what they mean, and how they can use them in a sentence.
Next term we are starting our scrapbooks. Please can families start collecting pictures, old work, certificates and anything else that would look great in our scrapbooks. Don’t forget, if you can’t print your images, you can always email them to the class teacher to print.
The Year 6 Team.