
This week, we were fortunate enough to have a visit from the Hamilton and Cavendish Police. Thank you to Keleigh and Brent for sharing your time and experience with us- we all learnt so much and had a fantastic time!
The Middle and Upper primary school students participated in an informative session on Cyber Safety, while the Junior students looked at the role of a police officer.
Key ideas we learnt during the session:
- Be aware of what you share online.
- SnapChat is only allowed for 13-year-olds +
- Before sending a photo ask yourself- why are you sending it and who are you sending it to.
- The average age of a male playing online is 35 years old.
- Always tell a trusted adult if something doesn’t feel right!
- Devices shouldn’t be used in bedrooms. They should be used in shared living areas.
- Only chat or play games with people online who you have met in person.
Things for families think about:
- Does your child’s username share personal detail e.g. name, age, where you live?
- Who is your child talking to online? What type of language do they use?
- If your child plays video games online, is the setting private?
- Where are devices used in the house?
Stay safe- stay happy!