Years F & 1

This week in science we had a look at what we would need if we were to create an enclosure for a snail. The students had to draw and label what they would put in the enclosure thinking about including what they eat, water and some features to make it feel like home. 

This week in art we did our next step in creating tissue box monsters. Students picked the colours or colours they’d like their monster to be and painted the outside of the tissue box. There are some very brightly coloured tissue box monsters. 

For writing this week we have been looking up the meaning of unknown words we come across in our non fiction texts. Students identified a range of different words they didn’t know the meaning of and we looked up the definition. They got to pick the words they focused on and we put them in a sentence. Afterwards we then had a look at up levelling our sentences by joining two together using ‘and’ and including some adjectives. I am really impressed and proud of the sentence writing the students are completing. 

On Thursday afternoon we finished art with some time to spare so we stopped by the garden to help Nettie do some weeding.