From the Classrooom

Nude Food Lunchbox
Classroom Lunchbox Competition
As part of the Vic Kids Eat Well and Healthy Schools, they have made a donation of Bento Lunchboxes, yay, we are running a competition here at school for who has the best “Nude Food Lunchbox”.
The students will show their lunchboxes to their teachers, and they can go into the draw to win a Bento Lunchbox – that will happen at the end of each week in their classroom.
There is a lunch box per class per week to be won 😊
Performing Arts
Year 1/2
Congratulations Liam from 1/2C, 50 nights of reading
Year 1/2 students working on their addition and subtraction.
During term 3, the 1/2 classes have been delving deep into non-fiction books about sea creatures.
Here are some sea turtles with their life-cycle shells that they created in week 7.