Student Of The Week
Student Of The Week for Senior Assembly on Monday 20th November
3A | Jakson, Shelley, Elise, Ollie |
3K | Gus, Shiksha |
3M | Henrietta, Maia, Jayden |
34S | Isabel, Isaac, Scarlet |
4C | Myrah, Dilly |
4H | Nikolas, Jaineel |
4M | Lynette, Hogan |
56A | Carolyn, Thanush |
56C | Gisele, Sonny |
56J | Nina, Avish, Jacob |
Student Of The Week for Junior Assembly on Monday 27th November
1B | Maxwell, Lola, Henry |
1G | Kaaraj, Marco, Ihsan |
1R | Isabelle |
2L | Ryan, Richard |