Student Voice

A Message from Our College Captains
As we reflect on the conclusion of another year at Pakenham Secondary College, it is with pride and gratitude that we present our final report as the leadership team for 2023.
Academic excellence continued to be a hallmark of our school in 2023. Students consistently demonstrated outstanding achievements across a wide spectrum of subjects and disciplines. Their remarkable results underscored their dedication and the high-quality education provided at Pakenham Secondary College, reflecting the collective commitment of our entire school community to excellence. The dedication and hard work of our teaching and support staff, as well as the invaluable support from parents and caregivers, have created a strong and supportive foundation for students to thrive. This collaborative effort ensured that each student had access to the necessary resources and guidance for their personal and academic growth.
As we bid farewell to 2023, we extend our heartfelt appreciation to our school community for their ongoing support, dedication, and shared commitment to our goals. We eagerly anticipate the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead, confident in our ability to continue to excel together. Thank you for another remarkable year, and here’s to a bright and promising future.
Abigal Delia & Arshdeep Singh
2023 College Captains
Year 12 Final Assembly
On Wednesday, 18th October we farewelled our Year 12 students with an Assembly attended by the entire school, followed by a celebration of their six years of secondary school, which was held at Gumbuya World.
The Assembly commenced with a Welcome to Country by our Koori Support Worker, Adam Brown, followed by an inspiring address by Mr Smith who also shared two very apt Dr Seuss quotes to the Year 12 cohort "You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can continue in any direction you choose" and “To the world, you may be one person, but to one person, you may be the world.”
This was followed by three wonderful farewell speeches by our College Captains, Arshdeep Singh and Abigail Delia, and our Student Representative Council President, Tara Cudmore.
To finish our Assembly, a presentation was shown with images from the students' past six years of their time at our College.
We would like to thank all of the families who came along to share this special moment with our school community.
We wish our Year 12 students all the best for your exam period (if you are sitting your exams) and for all of your future endeavours. You have been wonderful students who have given so much to our College - Thank You.
Whole School Assembly
We started Term 4 with an Assembly to recognise the outstanding achievements from the previous semester for the Art and Technology Exhibition People's Choice and Teacher's Choice Awards, the Principal's Awards and for the students who successfully completed the Premier's Reading Challenge. We appreciate your hard work and wish all students a wonderful Term 4.
We would also like to thank Ms Titcombe and the Student Representative Council for running the Assembly and Spike Hubbard from 10.5 for his beautiful music at the beginning of the Assembly.