School News 

Writing Moderation

This week during our professional learning time, teachers worked collaboratively to moderate Cold Write samples of students across different year levels. Writing moderation is the process of using curriculum documents to analyse, assess and compare writing samples. We moderate writing to support teachers in making consistent judgements of student achievement and to plan ‘next steps’ for individual and whole class learning. There was a lot of great discussion and it was amazing to see the progress that our students are making in writing from Prep to Year Six. 


Seeds and Sprouts

We are coming to the end of our 2023 Seeds and Sprouts Program. We have had 8 three year olds attending our Seeds program and 32 four year olds attending our Sprouts program over two sessions. 


The children have settled into the school-like environment, made new friends and are beginning to learn the basic routines associated with classroom learning.

The program was designed to prepare and support children in our community to positively and confidently transition into a school environment. The holistic program aims to develop the communication, independence and social skills that children need prior to starting school, helping to build a solid foundation for later learning. It also offers early numeracy and literacy experiences to engage the children and spark a passion for learning. 


I am really proud of the progress that our little Seeds and Sprouts have made, each week they come in with a smile and approach all learning experiences with enthusiasm and curiosity. 


I wish all our Sprouts a wonderful 2024 Prep year!


Miss Evans

Beachside Athletics

A wonderful day at Duncan Mckinnon Athletics Track on Tuesday the 10th of October. Having 12 students competing in various track and field events. Having students break personal bests, students finish with the 6 of their age group which is a tremendous effort. 


The students representing Galilee were 

Ben B (4A), Lily B (4R), Isabella W (4A), Ella H (4A), Matilda R (4A), Sienna M (4R), Liam S (5A), Matthew S (5D), Harry M (6P), Sam M (6R), Luke M (6R, Flynn M (6P).


We did however have 3 students progress to the SWM Athletics day; Ben B (4A) 80m Hurdles, Liam S (5A) Discus and Harry M (6P) Shot Put. These 3 boys came within the top 3 of their event and will now head to Casey Fields to represent themselves and Galilee. 


‘It was Tuesday the 10th of October, Beachside Athletics Day. I was representing the whole of Galilee in the 9/10 boys' long jump and 80m hurdles. When we arrived at the beachside, we did some stretches to prepare for the race. I was feeling confident and ready to go. Then, it was time for the race. The gun shot and it was neck and neck until we reached the finish line and I leaned my arm forward to win. I also came 7th in the long jump. Overall it was a fun day out and I enjoyed it.’


-Ben B

South Western Metropolitan Athletics 

Out at Casey Fields Athletics Track on Wednesday 18th of October, we had our 3 boys competing in their events and again another wonderful day weather wise. Harry M had his event first. 


Harry M - ‘Nervous going into it but excited. I thought I went ok knowing the circumstances of going to SWM region Athletics . It was fun doing it and coming 8th was good out of 12, even though I felt I didn’t throw that well was pretty good’


Ben B - ‘Was a really day out of school, I came 4th in Hurdles, I got a regional hoodie and chatted about my day with my friends.’ 


Liam S - ‘Did ok, rather throw further because I didn’t beat my PB but I had fun and I made so many friends. 



Year 3/4 Cricket Gala Day

A beautiful day out at Darling Park for our 3/4 Cricket Gala Day saw us play 4 games throughout the day. We played St. Joseph's, St. Patrick’s, St. Finbar’s and St. Mary’s. This day was a little different to most competitively structured games with the ground being smaller, the ball rubber, plastic bats and various rule changes. 


Playing St.Joseph’s, we bowled in the first innings and they did a great job at making constant runs early until Ollie R (4A) came on and struck with a wicket with his first delivery and then again with his fifth ball. The boys were up and about! They were unfortunately the only wickets we got against St. Joseph’s who made a very strong 144.  Our turn to bat and unlike St. Joseph's runs weren’t free flowing and we lost an early wicket but the boys gathered themselves and we had some good overs of 14 and 10 with our final score being 80. 


Our second game was an absolute thriller! Playing St. Patricks, they batted first and Hudson M (3H) struck with the first ball of the innings! This time it was us who made it difficult to bat with great bowling from Jack O (4R), Callen S (4A) and George C (4A) who didn’t concede more than 5 runs in their overs. St. Patricks made 109 and we knew we could achieve that. We got off to a great start in our first couple of overs being 1 wicket lost for 48 runs after 4 overs but then lost wickets in back to back balls which didn’t help our chase. With some of our Grade 3’s the last pair to bat we needed the boys to step up and they did. Hudson M (3R) and Sam S (3H) made 20 runs off the second last over to get us within 4 runs of St. Patricks total. We made 6 runs in the final over, winning by 2 runs! A wonderful game played by both schools and was thrilling to watch. 


12:10pm in the afternoon and the sun was scorching! We had 2 more to go but it was getting hot. Playing St. Finbar’s we finally batted first. We were making constant runs each over which made the scoreboard tick over but it was a great partnership from Callen S (4A) and Spencer V (4R) who made 32 off an over to really boost our school up to 119. Being able to defend 119 we thought was achievable and we again bowled exceptionally well with wickets to Sam S (3H) Jack O, Ollie R (4A) and Hudson M (3H) took 2 wickets. 


Our final game and the sun was working. It's max; 29 degrees. Playing St. Mary’s, we batted first and this game was another thriller and a bowlers game. Using a tennis ball instead of a rubber ball, the ball wasn’t traveling to the boundary as much and both sides bowled extremely well. We only got 53 runs on the board but it was something we thought we could achieve as we went out to field. The boys found something within and bowled extremely well, fielded incredibly well and took all their chances but unfortunately St. Mary’s beat us by 1 run. They took this so well, shook their hands and congratulated them which I was so impressed with. 


A wonderful day with the team, thank you to all the parents who supported and helped with transport.