From the Principal
Dear Families,
Tomorrow is World Teachers’ Day. I am sure you will agree that we have outstanding teachers and staff at Galilee who consistently go above and beyond for the students in their care. On World Teachers’ Day incredible teachers are celebrated for educating, inspiring and supporting students. We celebrated World Teachers Day at Galilee with all staff over a special lunch a few weeks ago. I encourage you to thank a teacher tomorrow who has made a difference in your child’s life.
Semester Two Student Reports
Over the next few weeks teachers will start assessing students and moderating work samples in preparation for Semester Two Student Reports. Semester Two Student Reports will be available on Wednesday 13th December. Galilee’s Student Reports are in line with the reporting standards of Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Melbourne. Student Reports assess students' achievement against the Victorian Curriculum and the Religious Education Framework. Your child’s report will be made accessible electronically, via a Parent Portal, for you to read and discuss with your child. More information regarding Student Reports will be shared with you closer to the date.
ACARA has just released the 2023 State and National NAPLAN results, which now allow us to compare our school results with all students in Victoria and Australia. There were many changes to NAPLAN this year; all students in Australia completed the tests online for the first time (except for Year 3 Writing) and adaptive online testing was implemented to ensure each student was tested at the appropriate level.
There is so much to celebrate in our results - Year 3 Reading, Year 3 Spelling, Year 3 Grammar and Punctuation, Year 5 Writing and Year 5 Numeracy in particular deserve a mention. We have published our 2023 results below. You will see three data sets sitting next to each other. National results are represented in blue, Victorian results in green and Galilee’s in orange. As you can see, Galilee students are performing above the state in many areas. As the Leadership team begins work on planning for 2024, we will be analysing a range of data sets, including NAPLAN, to guide our planning.