Wellbeing News

Mr Nick Criniti 


“Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.” 

― Albert Camus



Dear Parents,


Over the next few weeks, our school will be focusing on building positive relationships through the ‘Bounce Back’ program.  This program provides a variety of strategies to enhance student wellbeing, resilience and social-emotional learning.  

The relationships unit focuses on developing skills for making friends, getting along well with others, and managing disagreements. ‘Having a friend is an important source of wellbeing for students, as it is for everyone. Friendships can provide children with a sense of belonging and safety, affirmation and, when needed, social and practical support. It also allows them to practise and refine their social skills and develop empathy and moral reasoning.’ (Bounce Back Program)


Character Strengths:

This term we are continuing to learn about character strengths with our whole school focus being placed on Hope. 


This will be a key focus this term which will link to the bounce-back unit about developing healthy relationships.


Every person has a combination of 24 character strengths and if developed correctly can have a significant positive impact on their lives. Research has shown that using your character strengths can help to protect against the onset of mental health problems, manage and overcome problems, improve relationships and enhance health, and wellbeing.

Character strengths are nurtured and developed through positive experiences and Personal Development, Health and Physical Education lessons. Every individual possesses all 24 character strengths in different ways which impact how you think, feel and behave. They are the keys to you being your best self. 


Last week, two students from Year 3 were recognised for demonstrating character strengths during aspects of their school day and were acknowledged through our SFX Character Strength Awards. Congratulations to these students who have set a fine example for their peers. 


God bless,


Nick Criniti
