
Education News

Mrs Isabella Barbera

Religious Education Coordinator

October - The month of the Holy Rosary 


‘To pray the Rosary is to hand over our burdens to the merciful hearts of Christ and his mother’ 

-John Paul II 


October holds a significant place in the hearts of many as it is a month set aside for deepening our connection with the Holy Rosary. On October 7, the liturgical feast of Our Lady of the Rosary is celebrated annually and was instituted to honour the Blessed Virgin Mary in gratitude for the protection that she gives. 

When we pray the Rosary, we ask Mary to pray for us as we seek to grow closer to her son Jesus by contemplating His life, death and Resurrection. Mary was present for the joyful, sorrowful, luminous, and glorious moments of Christ’s life. We might pray with Mary for a special intention, or we might need a moment of solace with the Blessed Mother and her Son. Any reason to pray the Rosary is a beautiful reason.

This powerful prayer can be prayed at any time. It can be incorporated into a daily walk, on your commute to work, whilst you are preparing and cooking dinner or as you get ready to fall asleep.


For the remainder of October, the Pope Francis students will be leading a decade of the Rosary on Monday, Thursday and Friday on the main playground at 8:30 am. 

We encourage all students and families to share in faith, love and community with one another as we pray with Mary, Our Mother. 


Mission Week 2023 


Here in Australia, October marks World Mission Month. Throughout Week 3 and Week 4, students at St Francis Xavier will be raising money for people less fortunate than ourselves and working together to build evangelisation. Throughout Mission Week, we share in God’s mission to reach out and give life by sharing our personal and financial resources to: proclaim the gospel, serve people in need and act for peace, justice and creation. All money raised will be sent to Caritas Australia.


Pope Francis has chosen the theme ‘Hearts on fire, feet on the move’, for World Mission Sunday (October 22)He has drawn inspiration from the disciples on the road to Emmaus in the Gospel of Luke. 


Week 3 & 4 (Lunchtimes) - Lolly guessing competition

Students can take part in a lolly guessing competition. Students have the opportunity to guess how many lollies they think are in the jar. Any student taking part in the competition needs to donate a gold coin donation. The guesses are as follows: 

  • $1 for 1 guess 
  • $2 for 3 guesses 

The closest and most accurate guess will get to keep the entire jar! 


Thursday 26th of October - blue colour day  

Students are able to come to school in the colour blue. It could be a blue t-shirt, blue pants, or dress head to toe in blue. Any student taking part in the Blue Colour day needs to donate a gold coin donation. 


Thursday 2nd November - Silly Sock Day 

Students are able to wear some silly socks with their school uniform. Wear your funkiest, craziest, and most colourful socks ever ! It is going to be SOCKtastic. Any student taking part in the Silly Sock Day needs to donate a gold coin donation. 


We look forward to working together to live out our school motto SERVIAM- I will serve.