Principal's News

Ms Grace Carlo-Stella

Principal (acting)

Dear Parents,


I hope you enjoyed a relaxing and lovely break with your family.


As you know, I will be leaving St Francis Xavier at the end of the year. While my departure may have come as a surprise, it is a decision made with a bittersweet heart.

I have cherished every moment of my time at SFX School and am deeply thankful for your unwavering support. The connections and relationships I've developed here have been truly exceptional.

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of meeting the community at my new school, and I am eager to bring my experience and passion there, as I've had the privilege to do here at SFX.

Rest assured, I will continue to serve as the principal of SFX school until the end of 2023. During this time, I am committed to ensuring a smooth transition to welcome our new principal, and our school's high standards and core values will remain unchanged.

I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to those of you who have sent me wonderful emails and spoken to me on the playground. I'm hopeful that I will have the opportunity to personally see each one of you before the year's end and express my appreciation in person.

For the rest of this term, I will continue to lead with the same dedication and passion. I am committed to upholding the same high standards of education that your children receive.

While change can be challenging, it also brings new opportunities for growth and progress. I am confident that SFX will continue to thrive under the guidance of a new leader and I am excited about the new possibilities awaiting me at my next school.

Thank you for your understanding and support during this transition. I believe that this change will ultimately strengthen our school community. 

Thank you for being an integral part of the SFX family. Let us embrace this change together and continue to work collectively to provide the best education for our students.


Kind regards,


Grace Carlo-Stella
