The Arts

Celebrating Techne: The Arts & Design Exhibition

Greetings to all the members of our creative and vibrant school community!

We are thrilled to announce the upcoming Arts & Design Exhibition, an event that marks the culmination of months of artistic dedication and inspiration. This year, we delve into the depths of "Techne" - a Greek word that encapsulates the essence of both process and final product in the world of art and design.


"Techne" is a term that beautifully conveys the intricate craftsmanship, the journey of creation, and the delicate balance between imagination and skill. It is a theme that urges us to reflect on the creative processes behind every masterpiece, emphasizing that the path to artistry is as important as the result.


Technē: Bridging Art, Design, and Technology - A Year of Creative Discovery


Welcome to the enchanting world of "Techne," a Greek word that embodies the essence of craftsmanship, creativity, and innovation. We are delighted to present to you, Oakleigh Grammar’s Art Exhibition that promises to captivate your senses and stimulate your imagination. This event is a culmination of the year-long efforts of our talented students who have explored the intersection of Art, Design, and Technology to produce remarkable works of art. As you step into this immersive journey, you will witness a celebration of student ingenuity and artistic expression. 


Techne, from which the English word "technology" originates, is a word deeply rooted in the ancient Greek philosophy. It transcends the mere application of tools and machinery to encompass the profound understanding, skill, and artistry that drives human creativity. This year's exhibition embraces this multifaceted concept, providing a platform for students to showcase their creative processes and the evolution of their ideas into resolved works of art.


Our students, from various disciplines, have harnessed the power of creativity as a conduit for artistic exploration. Within these walls, you will find a diverse array of artworks that span multiple mediums and forms. From the intricate brushstrokes of a painting to the precision of a 3D-designed car, Techne offers a kaleidoscope of creativity. Each work on display showcases the unique vision and creative journey of our students.

One of the central themes of this exhibition is the exploration of process. The creative journey often reveals as much about the artist as the final work itself. We believe that the story behind each piece is as important as the piece itself, and here, you will have the opportunity to delve into the minds of our students as they share their inspirations, techniques, and challenges they encountered along the way.


We invite you to immerse yourself in this inspiring journey, to appreciate the craftsmanship, creativity, and the unending quest for excellence that Oakleigh Grammar embodies. We hope that this exhibition will not only amaze and inspire you but also encourage you to embrace the ever-expanding possibilities of Art, Design, and Technology.


Event Details

The Arts & Design Exhibition promises to be an unforgettable evening where our students' artistic journeys and their extraordinary creations are brought to the forefront. Here are the event details:


Date & Time: Thursday, November 9, 2023

Location: Academic Excellence Building

Time: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM


The exhibition will feature a diverse range of student work, including visual arts, design projects, media arts and presentations of student work in the performing arts, all inspired by the theme of "Techne." We invite you to explore the unique narratives behind each creation and marvel at the sheer talent and dedication of our students.

The evening is not just about admiring the artworks; it's a celebration of the artists and their journeys. We will also be presenting awards to recognize outstanding contributions in the field of Arts & Design. This is a moment of pride for our school as it reflects the commitment to nurturing and showcasing the creative talents of our students.

Light refreshments will be provided, offering a chance for everyone to mingle, share thoughts, and celebrate the collective creativity that makes our school community so special.


Prepare to be inspired, dazzled, and captivated by the world of "Techne." It's an event not to be missed!

Year 12 Art

The Year 12 Visual Communication and Design students have finished their final presentations for their School Assessed Task. Each student was to prepare a brief and design two final presentations based on the client and their communication needs. Students had to consider the technical skill and conventions of the chosen design field in which they were working with, along with all stages of the design process and design thinking skills in their folio work. The students are currently preparing for their end-of-year examinations. Below are some images of the student’s work which will be displayed in our Arts and Design show on Thursday the 9th of November 6-8pm in our Academic Centre of Excellence: 


The year 12 Art: Creative Practice students have been working on their School-Assessed Task for 2023. After presenting their critique for Unit 4 to the class and reflected on the feedback they received, students then refined their techniques, process and materials in their chosen art form/s for their SAT. The class have now completed their final artwork/s and folio for their SAT whilst thinking about their Creative Practice and documenting each stage in their visual diary. Students were to annotate and reflect upon the interpretative lenses and the process of creating and displaying their final artworks. The students are currently preparing for their end-of-year examinations. Below are some images of the student’s work which will be displayed in our Arts and Design show on Thursday the 9th of November 6-8pm in our Academic Centre of Excellence: 

Year 10 Art 

The Year 10 Art Students are currently studying Indigenous Australian artworks as paintings and ceramics. Students are working on their Creating and making (Criteria C) and their Reflection and Evaluation (Criteria D) for their MYP Summative Assessment for the ceramic section of their Art assessment. Students learnt skills in how to build a vase using several different hand building techniques such as; a pinch pot, coil pot and slab building. Some students even thrown their vase on the wheel. Please see progression photos below of their ceramic work which will be displayed in our Arts and Design show on Thursday the 9tf November 6-8pm in our Academic Centre of Excellence.