ELC news







In the last term at the Early Learning Centre (ELC) for the K4 students, it has been an exciting and productive time filled with various activities and preparations for their transition to prep. Here's a recap of what has been happening:


Orientation and Transition

The term began with a strong focus on orientation and transition activities. These activities are crucial for helping the young students become familiar with the environment and expectations they will encounter in their foundation year of primary school. Orientation sessions help ease the students into the upcoming changes and give them a sense of what to expect.


Foundation Skill Building

Throughout the term, the K4 students have been busy consolidating their foundation skills. These skills encompass a broad range of areas, including literacy, numeracy, social, and motor skills. This phase of learning is essential for setting a strong educational foundation, and it's heartening to see the students making progress in these areas.


Curriculum Framework

The ELC K4 students have benefited from a comprehensive curriculum framework. Over the course of the four terms, this framework has been thoughtfully rolled out to provide support for the students' emerging skills. It has been designed to nurture their literacy and numeracy abilities, as well as to foster their social and motor skills development. This structured approach ensures that students are well-prepared for the challenges and expectations of primary school.


Take Home Readers

One notable initiative this term has been the introduction of the Take Home Readers. These are made available to the K4 students every Thursday, and they are encouraged to take them home. This practice is an excellent way to expose children to the joys of reading from an early age and to instil routines that promote regular reading. It's a wonderful step towards instilling a love for reading and learning in these young minds.


The last term at the ELC for the K4 students has been filled with growth and learning, providing a solid foundation for their journey into primary school. The students have been actively engaged in activities to enhance their skills and prepare them for the academic and social challenges that lie ahead. The introduction of Take-Home Readers is a commendable effort to foster a culture of reading and exploration that will serve these children well as they progress in their educational journey.


Angelique Bromley

Head of ELC