Junior School news







As we move through the final term of 2023, it's heartening, yet not surprising, to see our Junior School students diligently applying "The Leader in Me" habits. These habits have not only guided them in maintaining routines but have also fostered the mindset to work with unwavering rigour and embrace the abundance of opportunities that lay before them. This term is another journey of growth, learning, and achievement, and we're excited to experience it all.


The Leader in Me program has been a cornerstone of our students' personal development, encouraging them to build leadership skills from an early age. As we approach the end of the academic year, these habits continue to shape the students' daily lives, helping them become more proactive, synergistic, and goal-oriented individuals. Through these habits, they've learned the value of setting and achieving both academic and personal goals.


One of the beautiful aspects of our Junior School experience is the wide array of opportunities available to our students. They've been active participants in various activities, clubs, and events that have allowed them to embrace new challenges and experiences. The enthusiasm they've shown for these opportunities is truly commendable. You will get to see snapshots as the year concludes.


The anticipation is growing as our Year 5 cohort prepares for their upcoming Graduation Assembly. This is a significant milestone in their educational journey, and we couldn't be prouder of their achievements thus far.


We eagerly await the Year-5 Graduation Assembly, where our students will shine as they celebrate their accomplishments. A positive impact they are making .


Shelley Parkes

Deputy Principal - Professional Culture and Junior School










Somehow, we find ourselves midway through the Term 4.  Time flies when you’re having fun!  As we approach the conclusion on Semester 2, we are preparing for our formal reports and the sharing of student progression points. This is an ideal time to draw your attention to our Junior School continuous reporting, to ensure you are best placed to have the greatest insight into your child’s end of Semester Report. 


Continuous reporting refers to the process of teachers providing timely and targeted feedback in snapshots of learning across all areas of the curriculum.  This assessment information is made visible to students to parents via our Xuno platform. 

The main benefit of this model is that students and parents receive feedback in a ‘timely’ manner about how the child is progressing. End of semester reports are often seen as too little, too late, with not enough targeted feedback and time for the student to improve their learning.


Through our uploads of student work samples, learning outcomes, achievement standards and teacher feedback comments, students and parents have a greater understanding of the learning styles, efforts and steps towards learning goals.  This supports our focus on the learning journey, not solely the placement of the progression point at the Semester’s end.


You should expect to see further Continuous reporting uploads in week 5 and week 7 before receiving the end of year report.  I encourage you to reach out to your child’s classroom or specialist teacher if you require further information in how to access or interpret the information you are receiving.  We are committed to the ongoing review and evaluation of our reporting process and as always, welcome your feedback.


Sarah Caffrey 

Head of Curriculum Junior School