Chaplain's Corner 








Beloved families of our School, 


What a wonderful start to Term 4 it has been.


Our term commenced with a Divine Liturgy for the Holy Apostle and Evangelist Luke where our students chanted in the choir, served in the altar, and participated in the Holy Eucharist. 


On Thursday October 19th with great spiritual joy and emotion we conducted the Doxology – Thanksgiving service to mark the conclusion of their studies; giving thanks to God first and foremost and our Patron Sts. Anargiri, for all the opportunities that they have been afforded by their parents and their school. 


After conveying the love and blessings of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios and our Bishop His Grace Kyriakos, we reminded students that the Church is for them and that the Parish and Community of Sts. Anargiri is their home. For them to visit and participate in the life of the Church and for God to be first in all their endeavours. 


This coming week, is a blessed week for our Parish, Community and School as we celebrate the feast of our Patron Sts. Anargiri and their mother Theodota from Asia Minor. Festivities for our Saints are as follows:

  • Tuesday 31 October - Great Vespers presided by His Grace Bishop Kyriakos of Sozopolis
  • Wednesday 1 November - Matins and Hierarchical Divine Liturgy presided by His Grace Bishop Kyriakos of Sozopolis 
  • Sunday 5 November - Matins and Hierarchical Divine Liturgy followed by GLENDI at Warrawee Park

Our Saints are great protectors and physicians and their Mother Theodota reminds us of the importance of raising our children in the waters of the faith. To learn more about our saints click the link below;


Life of Sts. Anargiri and their Mother Theodota


May the intercessions of our Patron Saints and their Mother keep you and your families well. 


With Blessings and Love 


Rev. Fr Stavros Kakavas 

School Chaplian and Parish Priest of Sts Anargiri