Deputy Principal's Report

Celebrating Dedication and Inspiring Excellence: VCE Examinations Begin


As the last whispers of winter depart us and we are blessed with the warmth and hope of Spring, we find ourselves at a pivotal moment in the academic journey of our senior students. The much-anticipated VCE examinations have begun, marking a crucial milestone for our young scholars. It is a time of both reflection and anticipation, as we acknowledge the dedication and hard work of our students and the unwavering commitment of our exceptional teaching staff.


For our VCE candidates, this moment has been years in the making. The countless late nights, persistent revision, and an unwavering desire to excel have been their companions on this challenging journey. Their determination to reach their academic pinnacles has not gone unnoticed, and it is with immense pride that we watch them embark on their final examinations.


But the influence of these exemplary students extends far beyond the examination halls. Their dedication and hard work serve as an inspiration to all members of our school community. Their relentless pursuit of excellence sets a precedent for what can be achieved through grit and determination. As they tackle the VCE examinations, they remind us that success is not handed on a silver platter, but earned through resilience and perseverance.


We urge all our students, irrespective of their year level, to look to our VCE candidates for inspiration. Just as they have tirelessly prepared for their examinations, so too can you prepare for your upcoming assessments and tests in the weeks ahead. Their journey teaches us that academic achievement is not just about getting good grades; it's about challenging yourself, seeking growth, and striving for self-success.


As the VCE examinations unfold, we stand together as a school community to cheer on our students. We have faith in their abilities and commend their efforts. May their dedication be a beacon of light, guiding all students towards their own aspirations, and may the resilience and hard work of our senior students inspire us all to achieve beyond what we can imagine. In this season of academic endeavour, let us remember that every day is an opportunity to grow, excel, and reach for the stars. Together, we are destined for greatness.


Lance Ryan 

Deputy Principal - Teaching & Learning