Faculty news

Student Representative Council (SRC)

Student Voice continues to be strong at Oakleigh Grammar School with student leaders meeting every fortnight and making suggestions of how we can improve our school life.

On Friday 20 October, it was the annual Load Shirt Day. Oakleigh Grammar student from ELC to Year11 had the perfect excuse to be BOLD and BRIGHT by wearing it LOUD and raising funds in support of children with hearing loss. The goal of this awesome casual day was to raise funds for supporting children with hearing loss. This was a great opportunity for Oakleigh Gramma to make a true difference to children with hearing loss by helping them access vital early intervention programs and services giving them the same opportunities as their siblings and peers.  Congratulations to Junior School Leaders for organising this worthwhile initiative. 


On Friday 27 October, we celebrated World Teacher’s Day. Middle School Leaders and SRC Representatives on behalf of all students showed their appreciation to all Oakleigh Grammar staff members by organising a special morning tea! On behalf of all staff, I would like to thank all students for spoiling us with such amazing morning tea!


Christmas is a time to celebrate with family and friends whilst relaxing and enjoying the time of year.  Oakleigh Grammar is holding a Christmas Appeal for the Greek Welfare Centre from Monday 16 October to Friday 1 December. Oakleigh Grammar will collect non-perishable foods for those in need in our community. We would like to call upon the community to demonstrate their good will and contribute as much as they are able.  Students in charge of the project will collect all donations during Home Group. Additional donations can be delivered at the front office.  


We appreciate your support. 


SRC Coordinator

Natasha Spanos








 Reminder: VTAC Upcoming Key Dates for Year 12

VTAC Personal StatementFriday 1 December 2023
ATARs ReleasedMonday 11 December 2023
Change of Preference (CoP) closesWednesday 13 December 2023
December Round OffersThursday 21 December 2023

For a full list of cancelled, amended, and new courses, visit VTAC Course Updates


Remember ...

Students who do best at university or TAFE are not necessarily those with the highest ATARs but those with persistence, determination, organisational and self-management skills that are also assertive in asking for help. Make sure you choose a course you will enjoy and are interested in; otherwise, you may experience problems with motivation. Form friendship groups with other students so you can be active in groups that discuss work and share ideas. Students that are engaged in learning communities and networks have a more positive university experience.


Tax File Number

Year 12 students should obtain a Tax File Number (TFN) as soon as possible or they cannot enrol in a CSP (Commonwealth Supported Place) university. Applying for a TFN is easy and online to have identity verified through an interview at a participating Australia Post office. A TFN is also required for students 15 years commencing casual and full time employment. To apply and also to find out about participating Post Offices, visit TFN Application


Career as a Paramedic

The Good Universities Guide states that paramedics provide pre-hospital emergency care, treatment and specialised transport for patients - Good Universities Guide - Paramedic


Working as an ambulance paramedic means that no two days are ever the same. What a paramedic does can be as varied as restarting a patient’s heart down to helping solve social welfare issues.  Ambulance paramedics are called when people feel they have no other options and are suffering what feels like an emergency to them. An interesting fact to remember when applying to become a paramedic is that the majority of the workload is not lights and sirens driving to save a patient's life. This job is more about helping people in their time of need as opposed to being a hero.


Visit Ambulance Victoria - Types of Paramedicsto find out more.   


Students should note that to work with Ambulance Victoria, they must be a citizen of Australia or New Zealand, or be an Australian Permanent Resident, and they must also hold a full driver’s licence or have held a probationary licence as P2 for at least a year.


Log on to VTAC to find out more about Paramedicine course pathways


Career as a Pharmacist or Pharmaceutical Scientist 

The Good Universities Guide states that a Pharmacist supplies, dispenses and manufactures medicines, whilst, according to the Explore Health Careers website, a Pharmaceutical Scientist spends more time in the laboratory studying and discovering medicines.   


Log on to VTAC to find out more about Pharmacy or Pharmaceutical Science course pathways 


A final note to the Class of 2023

Wishing you all the very best in your upcoming examination period. I look forward to working with you when you have received your results in December both scored and unscored students 😊 


Michelle Mascaro

Careers Advisor

LOTE Greek







Every year Oakleigh Grammar students have the opportunity to participate in different language and culture competitions organised by different organisations.


This year, students from different year levels took part in two competitions: the Greek Public Speaking Festival and 2023 Australian-Hellenic Memorial Student Competition.

The Greek Public Speaking Festival is an annual festival organised by the Modern Greek Teachers’ Association of Victoria and it is open to all students who study Greek across Victoria. Students have to recite a Greek poem or story or present a speech on a specific topic. The festival provides students the opportunity to improve their oral and language skills and to have self-confidence in public speaking.  


From Oakleigh Grammar, Athena Dimopoulos from Year 6 received the 2nd Award in the Year 5/6 Poetry Category.


The 2023 Australian-Hellenic Memorial Student Competition was organised by the Australian Hellenic Memorial Foundation. This is an annual even and the aim of the competition is to encourage students to learn and to engage with the events and history in Greece during World War II. The Competition is for all schools in Victoria where the Greek language is taught, with students from Year 1 to Year 12 eligible to submit an entry.  It is designed as an independent exercise, with students allowed to submit anything related to the Greek Campaign and the ANZACs in Greece during the War, whether it be a story, poem, essay, a drawn picture.


Oakleigh Grammar students from Year 5, Year 6 and Year 9 took part this year. We are very excited to announce the following winners:


Athena Dimopoulos (Year 6) winning 1st Award in Yr4 - Yr6 Category

Arushman Kaur (Year 5) winning 3rd Award in Yr4 - Yr6 Category

Aliki Priftis (Year 5) winning Encouragement Award in Yr4 - Yr6 Category

Eva Bakalis (Year 6) winning Encouragement Award in Yr4 - Yr6 Category

Tiffany Balasis (Year 6) winning Encouragement Award in Yr4 - Yr6 Category

Felicity Xypolias (Year 9) winning 2nd Award in Yr7 - Yr8 Category

Veniamin Floulis (Year 9) winning Encouragement Award in Yr8 - Yr9 Category


We would to extend our congratulations to all students who took part in these competitions! 


Natasha Spanos

VCE Academic Leader LOTE