Student wellbeing 

School Transition

School transition to a new School, year level, from Yr 10 to VCE, the Early Years to Prep or from Year 5 to Middle School can be a complex adjustment for students to work through. Transition can involve significant cognitive, social and emotional changes which can result in students experiencing tiredness, stress, anxiety, changes in their behaviours or requiring more support depending on the experience of each individual student.


Some things parents can do to assist with school transitions include-:

  • Acknowledge and discuss your child’s concerns.
  • Speak positively about the change.
  • Assist child to stay in touch with old friends and encourage the making of new friendships.
  • Ensure child attends any transition programs.
  • Involve child in the preparation process of uniform, books, planning lunch etc.
  • Utilise story books, role plays and other strategies to assist young children to know what to expect with starting Prep.
  • Normalise the child’s expectation that changes such as starting a different year level take time to adjust to, everyone feels anxious at first and that over time they will manage easier.
  • Discuss how there are many people to assist in the transition process-friends/peers, teachers, student counsellors and that they can chat to you as parents about anything too.

Wishing all of the students the very best as they all complete their final tasks of term 4 and look ahead with excitement to next year.


Kind Regards,


Sue Bassett and Nitleen Kaur

Student Counsellors