Hellenic Culture 







“OHI Day” «Ημέρα του Όχι» (NO DAY) is a national public holiday and is commemorated on 28 October every year in Greece, Cyprus and by Greeks around the world.  On this day in 1940, the Prime Minister of Greece, Ioannis Metaxas denied Benito Mussolini’s request to allow Italian troops to cross the border into Greece.  In the days following, the word of Metaxas’ denial had spread around the capital and the Greek population took to the streets shouting “OHI!” (NO). His decision made on 28 October 1940, is commemorated each year as a day that represents bravery, solidarity and heroism for millions of Greeks all around the world.


In Australia, it a great opportunity to honour the contribution of the Australian soldiers who joined a New Zealand and British force to defend Greece against a threatened German invasion. We should not forget, Australia may be 13,575 kilometres away from Greece, but the bond between the two nations is strong and welded in blood and sacrifices. Greeks and Australians have been allies in all conflicts since 1821.

Junior School Oakleigh Grammar students had the great honour to celebrate “OHI DAY” by organising a very special Assembly! Students from Prep to Year 5 presented beautiful songs and poems dedicated to the 28th of October 1940. Parents and grandparents attended this special assembly and had the great opportunity to spend a beautiful afternoon with our amazing young students. Well done to all students for the outstanding performances!


Middle School Leaders and SRC Representatives will show their respect to the heroes who lost their lives during World War II by representing our school communities in different events during the upcoming weekend. Students will attend the Divine Liturgy and the Doxology at St Eustathios Cathedral in South Melbourne, the wreath laying ceremonies at the Australian-Hellenic Memorial and Melbourne Shrine of Remembrance organised by the Hellenic RSL Sub Branch, the Doxology at our local Sts Anargiris Church and the Doxology and laying wreath ceremony at the Holy Monastery Axion Estin in Northcote organised the Australian Greek Ex-servicemen’s Association.

Natasha Spanos

Hellenic Culture Coordinator