Grade 6 News

Learning in Action
The Grade 6s are certainly starting to feel graduation high school transition in sight, and as a result, we have been working on finishing their scrapbooking pieces. We have been reflecting on all of the funny, strange and bittersweet memories from the last seven years at LPS. The students are enjoying writing poems, persuasives, narratives, and informative texts. Students have been experimenting with characters, themes, figurative language and incorporating a variety of text structures. A popular session involved Ms Holmes modelling a multiple perspectives writing piece written from the perspective of Archie and Mrs Walker.
The Grade 6s have worked hard whilst learning about fractions, decimals and percentages and the connection between them. This past fortnight, the students have practised their independence by selecting percentage goals and working to understand them. This culminated in them completing their Essential Assessment post test where they could track their growth, and identify areas that they could still work on moving forward.
Market Day is fast approaching and the students are busy pre-planning for our market Day stalls. All Senior students have been allocated classes around the school from Prep- Grade 4 and surveying them about their likes and preferences. Some questions the students have been asked are:
- What stalls would you like to see at market day?
- Would you rather buy food or items (e.g toys/bracelets)?
- Would you rather have a lucky dip or be able to see what you can buy?
- Would you prefer to go to a games stall or a food stall?
The data collected will then support our students in planning their market Day stalls ready for week 10.
This term we have many sporting events taking place. Below you can find the list of all the events coming up.
Thursday 16th November - Billy Slater Festival of League Rugby day
Monday 27th of November- Softball State Finals
Tuesday 5th of November- Teeball State Finals
Please ensure you keep checking compass for any details about the events.
We want to wish all of our teams and individual students competing at these events the very best of luck. Again, a big THANK YOU to Mr. Thomas who has done a wonderful job with organising all of these events for our students.
NRL Rugby Day
Last Wednesday, some Grade 5 and 6 students attended a day of rugby run by the NRL.
It was an absolutely cracking day, where the students got access to expert coaching, games against other schools, a relay race and even a dance competition.
The students who attended gave everything a red hot go, especially when it was time to dance to Justin Bieber.
The last fortnight the Senior School have been focusing on the positives and how we have been supporting each other at school. Some of the highlights we have seen are:
- Supporting each other in the playground and including others
- Demonstrating resilience in sport days
- Being an upstander and standing up for friends
- Showing kindness to others both in the classroom and outside
To recognise this we have started a Senior School “sticker chart”. Our aim is to have 3 A4 pages filled up and reward all students with a fun day towards the end of term.
If any parents are able to assist with Scrapbooking, please email Mrs Parkinson ASAP if you haven't already. Below are the dates that we will be completing our Scrapbooking at school.
For any students who are yet to bring in their 12" x 12" Scrapbooks, don't forget to do that as soon as you can.