Grade 2 News

Important Reminders
Sun Smart
As per our school's SunSmart policy, all students are required to wear hats till the end of April 2024.
Monday, November 13: Curriculum Day (whole school)
Monday - Friday, November 20-24: Swimming week P-2
Swimming week is fast approaching! Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 students will have their swimming lessons each day from Monday 20th October - Friday 24th October. Swimming lessons will be held at Paul Sadler Swimland, Rowville.
Please see below for specific information regarding the swimming lessons for Grade 2 students.
2A and 2F will have their swimming lessons from 12:00-12:30
2MD and 2H will have their swimming lessons from 12:30-1:00
Students can wear their bathers to school if they want, however, we will make sure they have time to change into bathers at the pool if they prefer.
Please ensure your child/ren brings a small bag to school that has their towel, thongs/slides, goggles (if wearing), and bathers (if not already wearing).
Students will leave their runners at school, wearing only their thongs/slides to the pool.
Please ensure every item of your child’s clothing is named in the event of items getting mixed up in changerooms
Grade 2 students will be encouraged to eat their lunch at snack time, then to keep their smaller snacks to eat at lunchtime.
There will be no lunch orders during swimming week.
If you wish to attend your child’s swimming lesson, please be advised that parents are not permitted to enter changerooms. Teachers will be there to assist students in getting changed if required.
If necessary, please practise with your child to ensure they are as independent as possible with getting changed out of their bathers and back into their school uniform.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher.
We look forward to a wonderful week!
Learning In Action
The Year 2 students have continued to look at texts written by the author, Oliver Jeffers. Students have found the texts to be very entertaining. They have worked on making connections to the text. They were explaining their connections made to themselves and the world. Students have also done activities to explore the importance and meaning behind Remembrance Day.
Over the past fortnight, the writing convention we have focussed on has been talking marks. We discussed what these are and how we use them. Our focus words to further enhance the students’ vocabulary have been: efficient and allies. It would be great to take advantage of opportunities that may arise at home where these words can be used in family discussions. This will increase the chance of students building up their vocabulary, as opposed to these words falling back into their passive vocabulary, and forgotten.
The students have continued to compare and contrast two different texts during library sessions. Our focus texts have been two of those written by the focus author we have used in our author study: Oliver Jeffers. The students also looked at the use of a Venn diagram, noting they are useful for comparing two different texts or items.
Year 2 Library is on a Monday. Please return books that you are done with as the students cannot borrow if they have the maximum number of books out on their library record.
Students have presented their knowledge of the movement of shapes. They were asked to be contestants on The Block and work out various tile patterns to use in a bathroom. They also worked with money. Working out the total in both cents and dollars and cents.
Year 2 students continue to be very excited about Maths Masters. Here is the link to the Maths Masters Belts folder and activities to help your child achieve their next goal. Just click on the relevant coloured belt your child is working on, and find their individual goal to practise.
Students have looked at what Victoria has done to change how we use water and recycle.
The students revised session 3 - Make Friends
- We looked at real-life scenarios and discussed these to work out a solution, e.g. At recess, your friend ran away and you’re all by yourself. You feel lonely.
Monday, November 6: Year 2 Hat Designs for the Melbourne Cup
Preview for Learning
Students will work on persuasive writing, clarifying the difference between facts and opinions. They will also revise the texts they read by Oliver Jeffers.
Students will compare and contrast two self-selected texts, written by Oliver Jeffers. They will use a Venn diagram to show the similarities and differences they found between the two texts.
Students will work on collecting and looking at the data they collect. They will make human graphs and pictographs to represent their findings.
Students will revise what Victoria is doing as a state to become more sustainable. Students will be encouraged to think about a change they would like to make that will make us a more sustainable state.
Year 2 students will have a sneak peek and introduction to a tool they will cover more in the years ahead - Quick Comebacks; Not cool, Excuse me, Stop, That's hurtful. These are used when Mean on Purpose behaviour is experienced, e.g. Someone on another sports team points at you and says, “What a baby!”