Prep A - Aiden L - For His kindness towards others and trying his best in learning. I love hearing you express your love and gratitude towards school.

Prep B -  Skylah T - For your wonderful attitude to learning. It is great to see your hard work at school and home paying off in your amazing work. Keep it up superstar! 

12A - Abel S - For always following classroom expectations and setting the standards high for your peers. Keep up the legendary work !! 

12B- Graham M - For showing  great understanding in all areas of learning.  WOW! 

12C -Gus W - For being an active participant during all learning tasks. You are always eager to learn. Well done!

34A - Nash B - For settling into Eastie life and being confident enough to ask questions when he needs clarification. It’s so great to have you onboard Nash!

34B - Anna F - For always working hard and getting the job done. 

34C- Archee M - For being focused during mini lesson time and always bringing humour to our day!

56A-Chenayah L - For always working hard on her goals in the classroom. Keep it up Chenayah!

56B- Jayce F - For his excellent growth in the Number and Algebra Essential Assessment test this week. Great effort!

56C - Charlize R - For applying yourself to all areas of your learning. You are a great learner Charlize! 

56D- Nick W - For the commitment towards his learning and diligence with his homework. Well done Nick! 


Prep B - Grace M - Your excellent work recalling the months of the year.

It was great to see you so engaged during our learning. Keep it up Grace! 

12A - Ruby F - For your amazing work in being able to challenge yourself this week around our topic of calendars. Keep up the amazing work !! 

34B - Logan F- For your outstanding test results in all areas of Maths. Excellent work! 

56C - Amelia C - For your consistent growth in your testing in Maths this Semester. Your hard work is really starting to pay off. Well done!




Prep B - Jesse D - Accepting the challenge of adding more detail to your writing. It has been great to see words turning into sentences and ideas turning into stories. Well done Jesse, you are a wonderful little author!

12 B -Joey H - For your amazing writing this week !! you have truly blossomed in your ability to write independently. Keep up the amazing work !! 

34 B - Ella McD - For writing an exceptional first draft of her persuasive text, including lots of persuasive devices that left me convinced! 

56C - Mac C - for your use of writer's voice in your persuasive texts. Your writing is very engaging and entertaining. How could anyone possibly disagree with you?



Congratulations to Kingi, Maya, Kiel, Lincoln and Ava for their great achievements in Indonesian.