Student Achievements

Pupil of the Week






All The Preps

For the amazing way they participated in their first school excursion. For their excellent behaviour on the bus and at the Theatre. Congratulations, our school is very proud of you!

1PCPoppiFor being a reflective person who always shows her best work and double checks what she has done before presenting it  to the teacher. Fantastic effort Poppi!
1THHamishFor being a knowledgeable learner. Hamish wrote a very detailed description on the miracle of Jesus Heals a Blind Man. Keep up the great work! 
1VECharlotteFor being an inquirer during our health lessons. Charlotte was able to provide many reasons why exercise is important for our bodies. Well done Charlotte!
2HAGraceFor being a knowledgeable learner who always uses what she has learnt throughout the year to solve new problems. Way to go Grace!
2LAHaroldFor being a learner who is able to develop his inquiry skills effectively by working well independently as well as  within a team. Well done Harold!
2LMAngelinaFor being an excellent communicator and thinker while working on division. Angelina works hard to solve problems and justifies her answers every time! Well done! 
3BADanteFor his excellent use of adjectives in his ‘Magic Carpet’ narrative. Great work keeping the reader interested in your story Dante!
3BEAlbaFor consistently approaching each day with enthusiasm and a willingness to do her best. Keep it up Alba!
3MILylaFor her amazing effort in taking action with her inquiry learning about sustainability, sharing her learning with her peers. You’re a recycling hero Lyla!
4SCJadeFor her positive attitude and the consistent effort she puts into all tasks, which demonstrates a commitment to her learning. Well done, Jade!
4DSAlexisFor making a great start on your project on The Rosary. Well done Alexis!
4SIMadiFor being a reflective learner by reflecting on her narrative and making improvements to her writing. Fantastic work Madi!
5HAReneeFor helping others, being sensitive to other students’ feelings and regularly asking “are you OK?”  Well done on being such a caring person, Renee!
5DOJoshFor continuing to develop his confidence and sharing his ideas and knowledge in class discussions! Well done Josh!
6LAKateFor being a principled learner. Kate has developed excellent work habits which she demonstrates consistently during class time. Keep up the fantastic efforts Kate!!
6CRLucaFor being an inquirer and asking lots of questions. He has been making excellent choices with his learning. Great work Luca!




For practising her Italian language skills inside and outside the classroom and for confidently sharing what she can say in Italian with her peers.  Brava!

Per aver praticato la lingua Italiana sia dentro che fuori della classe e per aver condiviso con sicurezza la sua conoscenza dell’Italiano con i suoi compagni di classe. Brava!

Random Acts of Kindness

Congratulations to the following students who have shown kindess to others throughout the week

Week 4


Keira D (4SC)-  For considering the needs of the wider community and showing empathy to others

Taj H. (1TH)- for moving seats to sit next to someone who was sitting by themselves to give them some company

Zoe C. and Grace B. (1TH) - for looking out for each other in a time of need

Thomas B. (3MI)- for cleaning up after others without being asked. Thomas is always so kind and thinking of others