In our Garden

Gardening Progress

All classes have been doing some amazing work getting our summer veggies ready . Here Boysenberries from 2/3 K are planting and watering in some chilli plants. Kurt, Jaxxy and Xavier have been hand watering our tree ferns and they have sprouted some lovely new fronds, thankyou all.

Grade 6 enjoyed harvesting some of our onions and garlic as well as some of the unusual potato variety,  Purple Congo.  Grade 6 made some amazing purple mashed potato and although the result didn't look like this photo (from Victoria'sTable ), the outcome was certainly eye catching.


Grade 4/5 Latrobe University Projects

Here's the team, thankyou to Dan for organising and supervising students, it was a great opportunity and outcome. 

Sunny Solutions

This group did some excellent educating and introduced students to the concepts of solar panels and power and photosynthesis.  Their hands on activity was to plant sunflower seeds and students got to take seeds home too. Look out near the Nettle street driveway for our school sunflowers.

Karen Garden Gourds 

This group made some beautiful bamboo climbing structures for our gourds and beans. They used a range of hand tools and home-grown materials to work collectively in a team to build these structures.




Under the Canopy 

Students got busy weeding and also planted a beautiful selection of fire safe indigenous understory plants in the Webster street gardens.  It looks much tidier and students learnt about the importance of habitat for our local insect and animal species.



Waste Warriors 

 Grade 4 and Grade 5 students learnt about different types of waste and the harmful impacts of waste to the environment. Grades produced some amazing paintings depicting different types of waste and recycling.

 Mila and Gypsy presented a short talk at assembly about the need to reducing lunchtime waste and how the school can reduce their environmental impact during breaktimes. Great leadership girls!


Working Bee!

We had a great turn out on Wednesday and a couple of brave souls turned up on Saturday - lots of work was done and Wednesday was also a good chance for a social catch up!

Thanks to Parents and Friends for organizing and turning up in the heat too.  Our school is a much better place for all your work and fun!


Happy Gardening!

From Sara.