Hello from our teachers and students

Respect, Responsibility and Kindness

Hello from 2/3 D! 

It's the last term of the Year, and we are pretty excited to showcase you the work we have been learning this term! In Writing, our focus is on Narrative Writing, and for Reading, we are focusing on our Inferencing skills. In Numeracy, we have officially entered the world of "Money".



We are pleased to inform you that we have had a great success on printing (or publishing) our Narrative Writing; then finally presenting it to the whole class! It took us about 3 weeks of learning about how to plan our story, write our story then... try to infuse some BIG words... **hang on** We meant to say- GREAT, HUMONGOUS, GOLIATH, GARGANTUAN and GIGANTIC! It is because we are learning to use Tier 2 words and synonyms in our writing, to be able to write more descriptively.


Kindly have a look at our praise-worthy, commendable, wonderful, amazing and noteworthy pieces of writing:

                   Images: Students; work samples of Narrative Writing, and Personal Narratives




We are learning about Inferencing (the deeper meaning of the text- using context clues to find out what is happening in the story) how the character is feeling, why they are feeling that way, and what is the evidence we could look for. Here are our works:

Images: Students' work samples showing their understanding of inferencing the characters' feelings.




We have been exploring "Money" and we started off our lesson with- "Why do we need Money? What do we use Money for?" and remarkably we were able to identify and the name the Australian coins; and finally arrange them in order:

  Image: Students showcasing their understanding of Ordering money, and counting money


Inquiry and Extra-curricular:

We have been learning about Multiculturalism Australia, for our Inquiry  and we have created beautiful flags, learnt about body decorations (Henna Art- see below), different Cultural Day (like Diwali, Christmas), and different food of different countries.

Additionally, usually on Fridays, we try to clean our School because we believe that "It is  our responsibility to make our environment, and our surroundings clean".  So seat back and relax the tremendous amount of work we do to garner our citizenship skills (kindly hover over the attachment, and kindly click the link.) This is our video whilst cleaning and doing our Inquiry:



Finally, we proudly and joyfully share to you that, for this last Term; after Assembly on Fridays, we 'meet and greet' each other's pets. We have a schedule who is bringing when. Say Hello to Truffles (the bunny), Zoe (the Dog) and Pig (the pug):


Truffles, the bunny.
Zoe, the dog.
Pig, the Pug.
Truffles, the bunny.
Zoe, the dog.
Pig, the Pug.


Have a wonderful weekend from all of us:

Students learning about saying Hello in different languages.
Students learning about saying Hello in different languages.