Hello, from Carolyn.

Respect, responsibility and kindness

Hello everyone,


Thank you to Sara Hill and the families who came to our Saturday working bee. Our school relies on your involvement to keep it looking fabulous and it is certainly looking spick and span and ready for the summer holidays.

Thank you to our Parents & Friends members who organised the BBQ for after school on Tuesday. It was a lovely casual way for families to catch up with each other, for our students to have a bit more play time together, while enjoying a sausage, and for some of our new families to meet some of our current families.


Movie night fundraiser.

In this week's Parents & Friends section you will see a flyer for the final fundraiser for the year, a movie session at the Star Cinema on 7th December. Get a group of friends together, book your tickets and come along to enjoy 'Love Actually'- which has been around long enough to be celebrating its 20th Anniversary!!!


eSafety commissioner website.

Does your child spend a bit of time online playing games, using chat group apps, messaging friends etc? Do you sometimes wonder how you can support them to use their technology safely? Are you thinking about gifting them some technology for Christmas? 

If you haven't used the many resources on the eSafety commissioner website yet, I highly recommend you check them out. Apart from their excellent resources on being safe online and how to support your children, they have a Gift Guide section which you might like to check out before shopping for tech.


Headlice are back!

A reminder that headlice don't take a break, you always need to be checking your child's hair. If your child's hair is long enough to be tied back for school days, then please tie it back!


Start of the 2024 school year.

Add these dates to your 2024 diary-

Monday 29th January Teachers are back at school.

Tuesday 30th January all our students are at school including our Foundation students.


I hope you all have an enjoyable weekend.

warm regards,




School banking details.


Bendigo Violet Street Primary

BSB: 033-688

Account number: 93-1292

Payment reference: use your surname and fees.