Grade Three

Term 4 has been an exciting term so far, which has seen the students coming to school full of energy and enthusiasm. In the next few days, the students will continue practicing their dances for the School Production. We hope all students enjoy their last Term in Grade 3 before they move on to Grade 4.
In English, we have been learning about the structure and features of procedural texts. We have been using what we have learnt while reading procedural texts to assist us with our writing. Students have had the opportunity to develop their own procedures and instructions for many everyday tasks, The Grade Three teachers have been impressed with the students ability to sequence steps when they’re writing and use logic. As we get closer to Grade 4, please continue to read with your child every night and practice their spelling words. Listening to your child, read their books is important as it allows you to ask your child questions before, during and after reading.
In Mathematics, we have been learning lots about capacity, mass and volume. It was fun to participate in lots of hands-on activities. We have also begun looking at fractions and angles which is challenging but the students are eager to discover more. Throughout the term we have continued to revise the four operations. We have completed many activities on addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
This term we have focused on Creativity through the lens of inventions. Our students have thoroughly enjoyed researching lots of inventors. We also had the opportunity to be inventors ourselves which was so much fun. During the week of Halloween each grade had the opportunity to be creative during some art inspired sessions. We also had the chance to incorporate science into our program which was enjoyed by all. The students have displayed curiosity and a level of maturity as they explored this term!
Next year is a ‘Bring your own device’ year. The students are excited to take the next step in their learning journey. It will be wonderful to see them as they become even more independent as learners.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for an amazing year. The students have been a delightful cohort to teach and each and every one of them will be missed. We wish everyone all the best for the rest of this year and in Grade 4.
Warm Regards,
The Grade 3 Team