
Our Fete is certainly bringing us together with great pride and strong sense of community connection.
As a human race, we are very social creatures that enjoy working side by side together to improve the lives of those around us and this is exactly what our fete is doing for our community. This important social connection and sense of belonging flourished with the idea of the Beaumaris Primary School fete returning in the form of a twilight get together.
Each class/cohort has been responsible for an activity for the fete which required the families to band together to make it happen. The plant stall families have been planting their seedlings donated by many and the mini golf crew have been designing their course. Groups have been gathering to share ideas resulting in hard work whilst having lots of fun and laughter along the way. These moments will remain etched in our minds and this community effort will be relived and enjoyed for years to come. “Remember when…”
This collective action has ensured our fete is off and running with a variety of activities to engage our community and bring us together for a ‘Summer Twilight Fest’, enhancing social inclusion and community connectedness. When people work together for the greater good of the entire community, they not only create a more welcoming and inclusive space, but they become more connected with other members of the community. What a strong support system for everyone.
A community event such as the Summer Twilight Fete, truly demonstrates our school values of Respect, Responsibility, Resilience and Relationships.
Respectfully valuing all parent ideas, their commitment to the event and developing relationships builds trust, safety and wellbeing amongst our community. Each cohort leader has been responsible for their activity and has shown great resilience while attempting to fill all the helper spots on the day. Relationships have grown from kindness, connectedness and a sense of pride in our school community.
Everyone in our school has a sense of belonging, importance and value. Our Summer Twilight Fete will highlight how wonderful it is to feel such a strong community connection.
Go Beauy..I can’t wait for the fete!