School News
2023 Yearbooks
2023 Yearbooks are now available to purchase on QKR! App. Orders will close on 12th November 2023 due to printing cut off and delivery before end of 2023 school year.
You will find the Yearbooks in QKR under:
- 2023 School Parent Payments
- Scroll accross to School Magazine and finalise purchase.
No late orders can be accepted.
Prep/Year 6 Buddy Tea Towels
Orders for the Prep/Year 6 Buddy Tea Towels are now open on QKR! App. Final day for orders 20th November 9.30am. No late orders can be accepted.
Buy-A-Brick Fundraiser
Buy a hand-drawn or name brick to leave your legacy and help enhance our school entrance.
A Compass message will be sent out with a form for you to select your design options: 1 Brick $60, 2 Bricks $110, 3 Bricks $150, 4 Bricks $190 Multi purchase discount applies with 1 family unit only.
Payments to be be made via Qkr.