Ancient Greek Festival

Bringing Classics to life for our junior students
During Week 6, the Year 11 Classics students broke free from the shackles of study sessions with a more hands-on approach to learning. Over the course of two half-days, they ran an Ancient Greek festival for our entire year 7 cohort. The class divided itself into three areas: sport and competition; the Arts and theatre; and philosophy and politics, with each area celebrating both the flourishing of culture that was Ancient Athens, and the enduring impact it's had on our modern thought. By all accounts it was a successful, and educational,two days!
Well done to the Yr 11’s involved, from fund-raising for the events, to planning, to executing. Your initial enthusiasm for the idea, and your continued support, was very pleasing to see. And thanks to all the teachers who supported the interruption to their schedules (with an extra big shout-out to Ms Purcell), and to the Yr 7’s who participated with great zest.
~Josh Arandt