From the Principal

The last fortnight has gone very quickly especially with the Melbourne Cup Public Holiday this week. I hope that students took time to catch up on work where required as well as enjoyed the warmer weather. Our Outdoor Education classes returned on Thursday from a canoeing trip along the Murray river, so I am sure that they took time to recover from all of the paddling and I hope that our Year 11s will have used the time to prepare for their exams that start this week. It is a great opportunity for them to undertake formal assessments to prepare for Year 12 and future examinations that they will undertake.
Our Year 12 students have now completed many of their exams and with only smaller subject still to be completed, we will now host the remaining exams on our school site so we appreciate our younger students moving quietly around the Performing Arts Buildings where the exams are being held. Although you may have read about the issues with some of the exams having errors in them, VCAA have communicated the marking scheme that will take the errors into account and we look forward to celebrating their achievements in mid-December.
Thank you to those that provided feedback on the program changes and timetable proposal for next year. We appreciated those that took the time to respond. We are collating the results and reviewing the structure while also developing the Enrichment program to begin next year.
We are currently planning for an Alumni event to be held on our school site on November 16th at 10:30am. Our "Back to NHS" event will be a welcome return for our alumni members as we have been unable to organise an event in recent years due to the pandemic. If you know of someone, or you are one of our Alumni reading this, feel free to come along and have morning tea with us. Our students will be running tours on the day and sharing what they know about the school.
We are still looking for another person to join us on School Council as a Community member. If you are interested, please contact the school via our email address and we can discuss what the commitment entails.
In this issue you will see an advertisement for our End of Year Music Concert on November 20 and the Art Show on November 29, I hope to see you then or at another of our celebrations.
Chris Jones