Weekly Student Award

Week 3





Prep AARyan S Outstanding For being so dedicated to your learning, you have been working extremely hard at home and in the classroom. I am so proud of you and all you have achieved this term, keep up the amazing work!  
1/2 NPZara TWellbeingFor always showing kindness and caring towards others. Zara’s consideration of others’ feelings and emotions makes her a wonderful friend and classmate.  
1/2 PBRyker LOutstandingFor having such a successful week. You have tried really hard with all activities and you should be very proud. 
3/4 LPZander WOutstandingFor the wonderful enthusiasm you displayed when creating blackout poems. It is awesome to see you so engaged and excited in your learning! 
3/4 JSAddi B Honesty For always being brave and truthful with the teacher. You show great care for your friends and do everything you can to make sure they are happy. Keep up the great work! 

5/6 JD 


Taylor PRespectFor always showing respect to your peers and staff. You come in ready to learn and to listen carefully to instructions. It is always a delight to see you trying your best and accepting help when it is offered! Well done Taylor! 
5/6 JDZConnor NOutstandingFor writing an excellent Quatrain poem with an accurate rhyme scheme, appropriate rhythm and creative storytelling. A very impressive effort! Keep up the great work!  
STEAMPeter KOutstandingFor your outstanding participation in class discussions and being confident to share your knowledge with others. You have put so much effort into learning in STEAM and it has been fantastic to see.  
SigningSophie KRespectFor always using manners, being super focused and always being inclusive allowing other students to learn.  
PETristan BTeamworkFor being a true team player who works hard to develop his own skills but is the first to encourage or support others. Well done! 

Week 4





Prep AATeddie S Outstanding For coming into term four with a total growth mindset, ready to take on new challenges, giving every activity his best try and overall smashing his learning!  
1/2 NPZain MWellbeingZain demonstrates the GROWTH Value of Wellbeing through his kind words and actions towards others. Zain is quick to make people laugh and feel included. His infectious smile lights our day. 
1/2 PBAmara QTeamworkFor always looking for ways to help the people around you. Your kindness and positive attitude is contagious. Keep it up! 
3/4 LPIzzy MTeamworkFor being a team player and always being so willing to offer assistance to help out your peers and teachers. You are amazing! 
3/4 JSSara A Outstanding Your commitment to learning is inspiring. You work so hard and push yourself to be the best learner you can be. Your passion can be seen in your work. You should be so proud of the effort you display everyday! 

5/6 JD 


Sophie DOutstandingFor your continued outstanding effort you put into your learning. You take the time to ensure you are completing tasks to a high standard! Great work Sophie! 
5/6 JDZSophie SOutstandingFor showing strong dedication towards your learning, taking the time and effort to give 100% and persisting in the face of challenges! Your success is credit to all the hard work you put in! Well done superstar! 
STEAMCharli MTeamworkFor being able to work with different people during STEAM and showing leadership in helping your peers. You have showed up with a super positive attitude which has been fantastic to see! 
SigningKody DHonestyFor asking for help with your Auslan story when unsure and using information to be successful. You’ve made a cracking start! So proud of you! 
PEJoel FOutstandingFor being an epic striker AND fielder - you are an all rounder with game knowledge and super skills! 



Week 5/6





Prep AAKyuss S Outstanding For being a respectful and kind addition to the Prep AA room, bringing your extensive knowledge of pokemon and maths skills we have loved learning more about you so far this term! Keep up the amazing work Kyuss!  
1/2 NPDarcy VOutstandingFor working hard at everything he does in the classroom. Darcy is showing determination to succeed and an excellent attitude towards his learning.
1/2 PBOliver B RespectFor always recognising how important it is to be respectful to those around you. You are such a kind and respectful person. Keep it up!
3/4 LPRyan GOutstandingFor enthusiastically taking on new challenges in your learning. It is amazing to see you setting high expectations for yourself and working hard to achieve your goals. I am so proud of you!
3/4 JSJensen TGratitudeFor the infectious positive attitude everyday. Even in these busy weeks you manage to bring a bright light to our class. Keep up the amazing work!

5/6 JD 


Logan OOutstandingFor always trying your hardest and taking on advice to improve your classwork! You are always ready to have a go at all of the tasks set for you. Well done on your positive attitude towards your schooling! 
5/6 JDZMohammed SGratitudeFor making the most of your new start at Officer Primary School by setting high expectations in your learning but also making the effort to establish new positive friendships! It has been fantastic to watch you thrive in such a short time!
STEAMSummer BOutstandingFor always applying yourself in each and every lesson, the effort you put into STEAM is outstanding and you have produced high quality work. Well done!
SigningAmara QOutstandingFor your high levels of focus when following signs for our Auslan story. You are able to keep yourself in the green zone and are always ready to learn. Great stuff!
PERyan GTeamworkFor being a great support to teammates by being inclusive and providing positive encouragement. Keep up the great work!





Prep AAAddilyn W Outstanding For your approach to swimming this term, you are responsible for your own belongings, looking after your friends safety at the pools and overall showing our GROWTH values in the community.  Well done Addilyn! 
1/2 NPIsaac LOutstandingFor your fantastic attitude at swimming. It’s been fantastic to see you enjoying yourself, listening to the instructor and learning new skills in the water. 
1/2 PBLincoln MOutstandingFor your outstanding work on multiplication. You have been working so hard on solving and remembering your times tables. You are doing amazing!
3/4 LPAiden BWellbeingFor showing genuine care and kindness towards your teachers and peers. Thank you for always making sure all those around you are ok. You are amazing!
3/4 JSRyan FTeamworkFor building strong relationships and taking care of peers. You always show respect for all your friends in and out of the classroom. Well Done!
5/6 JDZZahra ATeamworkFor being a super reliable and responsible team player for both students and teachers. You are always willing to help out and it is absolutely recognised and appreciated! You are a superstar!
5/6 JD  Jaxon TRespectFor representing Officer Primary School responsibly at the pool and respecting staff and schoolmates during lessons! Well done Jaxon!
SteamIndie MWellbeingFor using fantastic strategies to look after your own wellbeing and being open to trying new things. You had such a positive attitude to tackling challenges!
SigningZain MOutstandingFor always working hard by following demonstrations and going above and beyond when completing set tasks. Well done!
PEZack BGratitudeFor being super positive when attending swimming and also ensuring that you are prompt and organised. It’s great to see you super happy and enjoying every moment!