Student Engagement

Our Student Engagement has been super high with our Swimming Program. All students have been super organised with their belongings - showing great responsibility when getting ready at the pool and when departing the pool. We are looking forward to seeing this continue into our second week!
Bless Collective is a charity operating since 2016 in the Cardinia Shire who provide food relief to disadvantaged families. Following on from our great success last year, we are teaming up with Bless Collective to provide nonperishable food hampers for families at Christmas time.
Our Student Representatives have decided to organise a Free Dress Day and instead of a gold coin donation, they would like students to bring 1 item to donate to the ‘Christmas Together’ Food Drive. Examples of donation items include canned foods, pasta, rice, biscuits, cereal etc. We will be accepting donations at school from Monday 25th November until Friday 29th November with our Free Dress Day occurring on the Friday.
This week we have distributed notices for our end of year celebration incursion, Kaboom Kids! This is a tabloid sports styled event is highly engaging and incorporates music, physical activities and heaps of fun. See their website for more details and reviews from other schools-
Following on from our Zooper Dooper fundraising this term, we will be ensuring that all students are treated with some yummy food after the event!