Middle School

3/4 LP & 3/4 JS


Reading: In our reading sessions we have continued our novel study on R.J Palacio's 'Wonder'. Students have completed character analysis, focusing on the behaviour and motivations of different characters. Students are continuing to develop their comprehension skills through these activities as they learn to look at the text more deeply.

Writing: In writing we are revisiting narrative writing. Students are being challenged to turn their amazing narratives into an epic graphic novel to share with their classmates.

Maths: Students have been working hard on a range of multi-step worded problems, which has required them to break down the problem and work out which of the four operations to use before solving the problem. This week students were introduced to angles and have been familiarising themselves with different angles and comparing them to right angles.

Humanities: As part of our Geography unit, students have been busy creating a biome diorama on the environment of their choice. These are starting to look amazing and we look forward to inviting parents in for an open afternoon soon for students to showcase their work.



Students have had a great time learning new skills in the water and have shown great organisation and independence while at the pool.